
Catch a Rainbow

Feeling a bit of color that comes to her face Jess dosnt take her eyes from Axel's. Feeling the emotions inside of her cluster Jess is not sure how she would describe how she felt but it was there non the less and the comfrot her felt was nice. Something about Axel just something she had taken to and had grown to form a feeling she wasnt quite sure of. The smile on Jess face could lite up a dark room the moon just reflecting what was already there.

"To some I guess storms are amazing to look at, but to me its the rainbow after the storm that captured my gaze..."

Bringing her other hand up Jess brushes a peace of stray hair from Axel's forhead as her hand gently cubs his face her thumb running along his jaw bone.

Axel always made her feel good and dispite the scares, and the cuts, the bruses that remainded on her it was almost as if when she was with him they were gone. He never took not to them, or pointed them out like so many other people would. To Axel Jess was normal.

But was she good enough for someone as wonderful as him? Did she deserve this happyness she felt. Her fear is what kept her back from saying what she truly felt.

"... But how do you catch a rainbow that is so far out of reach for the likes of a lowly storm."

Staying seated Nate looks to Laura his eyes held a sadness. Some might interpertie as a disapointment or even a longing for something that was missing. But to Nate it was a feeling inside that couldnt be discribed, it was an emotion that made him want to cry even though he wasnt sure why.

"I'd...wish you would talk to me Laura. Its what I am here for. I dont want to pretend everything is ok when its not."

Nate couldnt help the emotion that was in his voice. He was so tired, and sad, maybe even a little bit of depression was thrown in there. He felt so many things at once it was hard to disypher them all.

"I just wish you woul let me be there for you. I dont like being on the outside and having to look in. I know you deserve your personal space and thats alright I just wish..."

Nate's words trail off as he moves his shoe through the grass the dim light reflecting off the blades. He wanted to say more, but he didnt want to say more. He wanted Laura to know how he felt but he didnt want to step over the line. Nate didnt know how far to go and how much to hold back. He was just so confused.

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