
All on its own

Axel's heart gives a little start as Jess' hand cradles the side of his face. It was warmer and softer than he'd expected. He can feel the heat coming to his cheeks, and he's glad that it's dark. He might be confident in many many areas, but this was not one of them. This... right here... this was all new to him.

He swallows hard, wondering if he liked or hated it that his pulse had started to race. His voice comes out quieter, almost a whisper as if he's afraid he will say the wrong thing and shatter the moment.

"It's impossible for a rainbow to be too far from the storm. It's the storm itself that provided the way for the rainbow to shine to begin with..."

Without looking down, Axel shifts his hand so his fingers curl around Jess'. "A rainbow can't be caught any easier than the storm can be tamed. It's a wild animal, resisting capture. But feed it lightning, give it the thunder and bring the rains, and it will come... the rainbow will come all on its own."

Laura's gaze wanders everywhere but Nate's eyes, and she paces just a little. Finally though, she stops, and her focus lands on his stare. Those gentle eyes looked back at her with all the love and hope she'd ever seen. Never had she thought that a man could look at her the way he did.

"Oh, Nate." A half a smile is forced to the surface. Tears wanted to come, but she held them back, making her eyes glisten. She reaches up with her hand to run along the side of Nate's face. "I know I've made you feel left out. Even if I haven't acted like it, you have... become such an important part of my life."

Something close to a laugh comes out. "Even after all the trouble I gave you in the beginning. You stuck it out, and... I've always been impressed with that. You're not like other men I know. Your heart is so big and... and I can't even understand how you love someone like me. But I know you do. And... and I love you too."

Laura swallows hard and she finally sits back down, turning her head to bravely look at him as he continues. "But... I need to feel a whole lot more than just love right now. I've... I've been broken and I don't know how to fix it. I've been scared and I don't know where to find my confidence again. I... I just don't know who I am anymore, Nate, and..."

Searching Nate's eyes, she knows that with every word she spoke, and every second that passed, she was breaking just a little more of his heart. Reaching over, she takes his hands in hers. "I need to find myself again... I need to figure out who I am again and where I belong and what my purpose is again. And... I need to do that... on my own."

If she hadn't been so determined, an onslaught of tears surly would have come. She had no idea what this choice would mean. She had no idea how it would affect the future, good or bad. She had no idea if the paths ran parallel to meet up again, or if they went in opposite directions.

Laura looks down again. "I do love you, Nate," she says quietly. "But if... if you want to move on, I understand. I just... I don't know when I'll be ready to... to marry you. And... it's not fair, me keeping you waiting."

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