

Finally, the tears start to sting Laura's eyes. She knew Nate's words were true. She knew it. She knew it in her heart. She knew what she really wanted. Why were things so complicated? Why did she feel so messed up? Why couldn't she just make up her mind?

"Don't walk away!" She yells at him, the frustration boiling over. Her fists ball at her sides as the first tear runs down her cheek. The first tear since this whole fiasco had started. The first sign of emotions since she had been attacked.

"Why can't you understand how I feel?! Why can't you try to understand how hard this thing is for me? Why can't you understand that I feel like the most worthless, unworthy person on the planet right now?! Why do you have to make me feel like crap for telling you I need space?"

Her lower lip starts to quiver. She didn't know what she was saying. One second she wanted Nate to leave, the next she didn't. Back and forth, back and forth, up and down. "Do you think I've changed so much, that you need to treat me with kid gloves?! Quit feeling sorry for yourself and just... just... stop it!"

"Aw, thanks." Axel smirks at Jess' teasing, though the humor is in his eyes. Settled back on the branch, he clears his throat. "Um, yeah... let's not have a repeat, or I'm liable to go all the way the next time."

While he meant falling all the way to the ground, he suddenly realizes that what he said could have been applied to the attempted kiss, and his eyes widen. He can't even look at Jess after that one, his face filling with heat once again.

"How about we just climb down and look for that wallet, hmm?" He rolls his eyes and carefully lowers himself to another branch, helping Jess down with him. Within minutes, they're back on the ground again, all in once piece.

"Alright..." Axel sets his hands on his hips and glances around the tall, dark grass. "I have no idea where to start."

He drops to his hands and knees, starting to look for his wallet. "First one to find it gets to keep the expired coupon for Taco Town," he announces.

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