

Ryder looks up as Katie approaches, glad that she'd showed up on her own. He didn't mind being there for Laura, even if he didn't really know her. But even so, he thought it even better if Katie was there too.

Letting Katie take over, he stands up and goes to clean up the rest of the broken glass, and sop up the remaining tea. It takes him a little while, but he winds up getting some soap and working on the spot to make sure it doesn't even stain the carpet.

Hearing Katie and feeling her arm around her, Laura just leans onto her younger friend's shoulder. "Oh, Katie," she whimpers. "I feel so messed up. I just... I don't know what to do, and I just keep making things worse..." Her sobs quiet some, but the tears still flow. She hadn't yet come to terms with what Bryce had done to her, making this whole thing even worse. She wanted to just charge through her emotions and conquer it all like she always did... but this time she couldn't.

"I have to testify in court... and I just feel like I should have been stronger... and now Nate and I... I don't even know if there is a Nate and I anymore." She sniffs, trying to take deep breaths to calm herself. "He must hate me... I know I would... everything I've put him through."

Henry comes to Ryder, sniffing the wet spot on the floor, then looking back over to his mistress. Holding his tail high, he trots to the couch and jumps up on Katie's lap so he can be close to both women, and starts to purr as if offering his own comfort.

Ryder cocks his head, watching the scene for a moment. Something stirred in his heart. It was more than compassion. It was a longing. He'd had friends. But none close. He'd had a family. But it had been too quickly taken away. The people here... at TJY, and their friends... they were all so different. It was like one big family.

Sighing, he gets up and heads down the hall, disappearing. About ten minutes later, he comes back, and squats down next to the couch by Katie. "Hey," he mentions quietly. "Best thing for her is to relax and get some sleep. I've got the hot water running in the tub - it'd do her good."

Axel is quiet, and though feeling as though he might do something wrong, he doesn't want to foul up another opportunity. He liked Jess... maybe more than he'd admit to anyone else. He'd been intrigued with her from the very beginning. But that intrigue had turned to something more. He cared about her... and while he was satisfied with their simple friendship... if he didn't take a step for more... a step towards something that he had always thought would be out of his reach... a step towards something that his heart really did want... he might lose her to someone else. And while they could still be friends, he didn't like that thought. If he didn't keep her around and keep her close, he'd be losing something he'd learned to view as precious.

Slowly, he moves to wrap one arm around her waist, the other hand still on her face. "Good," he whispers.

Leaning in, he tilts his head just a little, before letting his lips meet her own, every so lightly. For him, the feeling is like an electrical shock, running through his entire system. Pulling back just a little, Axel looks in Jess' eyes, wondering if it was just him, or if he really was being silly. But having her this close, in his arms.... it was a feeling he wouldn't have traded for anything.

A small smile creeps into the corner of his mouth. "This time I can't fall to my death," he whispers. "But even if that was the consequence... I think it would be worth it."

Returning to her lips, he kisses her once more, but this time with more confidence, letting it linger... letting it's warmth stay with him. The taste was sweet, the feeling irreplaceable.

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