

Trying to console her friend Katie continues to rub Laura's back. She didnt know how she felt, and she couldnt even start to imagen the pain she was feeling. But Katie tryed her best anyways because she had felt pan before even if it was a differnt kind.

"Oh Laura, I know it hurts Hun, but I know that hurt will go away in time if you let it."

Drawing silent again Katie collects her thoughts as she trys to simpathys with Laura. The look in her eyes killed Katie on the inside to see her friend hurting so much.

"As for Nate, I dont think he hates you. Nate dosnt have a hate bone in his body and he loves you so much. He's probley hurting just as much as you are if not a little more in a differnt way. Seeing someone you love hurting and not being able to do anything to take that hurt away. He'll be ok and when its over He will love you just the same if not more."

Tighting her arm around Laura just a little as she runs a hand through Henry's fer. Than hearing Ryder's comment about relaxing with a nice bath Katie gives a nod and smile at Laura.

"I think that would be nice for you and would help. Hows that sound to you?"

The experance was new, the feeling was fresh and Jess could tell the differance. Feeling Axel draw close Jess' sences highter as she can feel herself give a little shiver. Feeling Axel's lips touch her Jess can feel the wave of heat that runs throgh her system.

Looking into Axel's eyes as he pulls away slightly Jess smiles back at him. A million emotions of happyness refelcted in her eyes. Though what she felt she could not call it love it was deffintly an emotion that gave her the hope and will to make this go farward because it just might work out.

"I dont think falling to your death would be worth it, because than I could never look at you again, or match my intelligence with yours."

As Axel returns to continue the kiss Jess wraps her arms around him once more. Feeling him close to her she felt safe, the emotions washing over her. The sweet tast of the moment was like nothing Jess had tasted before. This was perfect, if Jess had to put a name to it, this was what a slice of heaven was like.

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