
Better things

"House maid?" Ryder's eyebrows rise. Spinning around, he grabs a wooden spoon from the counter, holding it like a feather duster. Giving a little curtsy, he bats his eyes, faking a British accent, while speaking in a higher pitch. "Morning, Mum. After I'm done attacking the laundry, wrestling with the dishes and killing dust bunnies, would you like a spot of tea?"

Laura starts to giggle. "All you need is a little black dress and a white apron."

Looking to the counter, Ryder's eyes pop open wide and he shrieks like a girl. "Eek! I'll 'ave you know I won't put up with coffee stains on the counter of a kitchen I'm supposed to be cleaning. "My 'ouse is your 'ouse," she said, but fancy leaving all the crocodiles to me. I'll clean 'enry's catbox, but coffee stains are left to the Missus of this 'ouse."

By now, Laura's face is red as she laughs, her shoulders shaking. "Oh you are way too good at this."

Ryder grins and tosses the spoon over his shoulder, having it land directly into the sink. The look on his face is a sheepish one and he tries not to laugh. "I think I've been cooped up too long. Either of you going into work today or what?"

Laura nods, downing the rest of her coffee. She needed a good day at work to keep her mind busy. "You?"

"Oh I dunno. Yesterday turned into a disaster."

"Yeah, well I'm afraid to leave you here now. Might come back to find you wearing a maid's dress made from a crocodile."

"You don't have to worry about that," Ryder counters. "It would take me at least three days to accomplish that."

Laura grins and shakes her head, looking back over to Katie. "Remind TJY to do a background check the next time we want to bring someone back to the States." She grabs her purse and heads for the door. "Well, Ryder, if you need something, call, and Katie, I'll see you later."

Once the door is closed again, Ryder tosses Katie a wink. "How about I catch a ride with you? I got a stop to make though if you don't mind. Reese gave me some cash yesterday and it's burning a hole in my pocket. Is there a flower shop between here and TJY?"

Axel looks up at Jess with dry humor. "Oh, shut up," he grumbles, though his eyes twinkle. He accepts her hand up, then stretches out tall. "I feel like I've been sleeping on a stiff board."

Liz rolls her eyes. "I wonder why."

Axel gives the back of her head a light whack. "Try to behave yourself while I'm in the shower and unable to bail you out, will you?"

Watching him leave, Liz giggles, calling after him. "By the time you're out, I'll be at school. You still be here when I get back?"

"Yeah, yeah," Axel yells over his shoulder as he ambles down the hall. "I won't leave without saying goodbye."

Hearing the bathroom door close, Liz grins and looks to Jess. "I miss having him around here. I almost forgot how much fun it was." She turns around to busy herself getting a quick breakfast, but she stops once more, still smiling at Jess. "But I suppose there are better things to keep him in Nevada, huh?"

"Kyle, we got half an hour!"

"She'll be here!" Kyle leans against the back of the bus, squinting in the morning light. He knew Alice was about as excited as this trip as he was. There was no way she'd be late.

He puts his hands in his pockets, just thinking for a moment. He'd said goodbye to everyone who he thought cared about it. Even Jason had stopped by to see him off. This was it... it would be several months before he was back. He hoped he'd tied up all the loose ends... He'd still be sending money for bills back to Phil, and Phil would look out for his truck for him. Otherwise though... nothing was keeping him here. He was on a new adventure... maybe he would find a new route in life.

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