
Didnt know

A smile makes its way across Katie's face as she sips her coffee watching Ryder try and help Laura. It was nice to see Ryder trying to fit in and find is place. In the process making another friend. Kaite liked knowing that maybe through helping Laura, and herself Ryder felt like he belonged giving him all the more reason to stick around.

Giving a laugh at Laura's comment Katie stands and goes over to the coffee pot to grab some more coffee giving her head a little shake.

"I can see the headlines now...."

Katie waves her free and in front of her like she was reading a paper heading.

"Croc hunter become house maid."

Looking to Ryder Kaite busts out laughing the mantel images alone making her laughter grow beyond control.

Wwaking and hearing noise in the other room Jess gentil opens the door. Her back acked a little but that was from sleeping in a bed that was not hers.

Slowling making her way through the house she fnids her way to the kitchen. Stoping a giving a blink at Axel on the floor a laugh escapes her lips.

"When you said I could have the extra bed room I didnt know you ment you were going to sleep on the kichen floor!"

Giving a smile Jess trys to find a little humor in the whole situation before going over to Axel and offering a hang.

"Good Morning!"

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