
No weakness

Tighting her own fingers around Axel's Jess listens to what he had to say. Jess loved taking in his words and just listing to them. Each one held a meaning of its own, each tone had a new emotion in it.

Getting hung up on Axel's sentince about the rainbow coming on its own she stops and thinks. What Axel said made sence in more than one why. Why rush anything in time when it was right it would come to be itself.

Scooting a little closer to Axel Jess leans in and gives him a soft kiss to the cheek. Before pulling away just a little and lookin deep into Axel's eyes. There was a differance between Axel and Carson a differnt feeling she felt. This one seemed, almost like it was more real than the other. It was a frighting feeling, but exciting at the same time.

"Thank you Axel. You make me feel so good you know that and I just....thank you."

Jess continues to look Axel in the eyes as her face still stayed close to his the smile on her lips, and the twinkle in her eye.

Looking down at Laura's hand it almost feels like someone has taken a sleghammer to his heart. Everything he felt, his reason for being here was thrown aside and even now Laura had turned him away.

"You dont always have to do things by yourself. There is no weakness in asking for help."

Feeling the tears well up in his eyes Nate stands letting Laura's hand slip from him. She was letting him go, she had broken up with him and that thought alone braught more tears to Nate's eyes.

Turning back to Laura the tears that feel from Nate's eyes glissen in the moonlight. Bringing a hand to the side of her face Nate aims with persition at running his finger gentil along her skin missing the cuts she had. Trying to give a smile Nate know it fales but trys anyways maybe to make his ownself feel better.

"I love you to Laura more than anyone I ever have before."

Dropping his hand from her face Nate lets out a small sigh trying to choak back the tears.

"I'm sorry I came and bothered you after you said you didnt want to see me. I just...wanted to make sure you were ok."

His voice quivering just a little Nate turns and makes his way back the path he had come placing his hands in his pockets. He'd go back to the house and say goodbye and thank you to Paula and Dan than he would leave. He did not belong here not anymore.

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