

Walking with Axel in the fresh air feels nice. It had been a long time since she had just felt walked with out a destination.

Not even relizing how long they had been walking Jess wouldnt mind walk for miles more. It felt good, the fresh air felt even better.

Being given the three choises Jess thinks them over carfuly. Each one in her own mind meaning something differnt.

" I think, I'd like to take the dirt road and be in the middle of no where. I've never seen the stars and moon before."

Jess gives a smile to Axel. She trusted him whole heatedly, and had no fear that he would try to hurt her.

Not given enough time to react Nate is hit and drops to his knees holding his stomach. Silent for a moment he trys to catch his breath as the pain courses through his body and legs. Finally looking up at Laura with tears in his eyes he trys to smile at her.

"Well, I am glad to see you too."

Giving a cough Nate stands again though he is a little shaky. Going to sit down on a large stump he continues to try and catching his breath. Looking up at Laura again he can see the remnints on her face of what Bryace had done, once again thinking he had taken it to easy on the man who hurt his love.

"Remind me to stand farther back from now on so you can reach me eh?"

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