

With a faint smile, Axel stands up too, and leads the way back upstairs. Telling Jess he'll be right back, he takes to the upstairs two steps at a time reemerging a few short minutes later with his sneakers on, and a hoodie thrown over his t-shirt.

Glancing into the living room, he sees that Derek and Gina had joined the kids in front of the tv. He catches Derek's eye and motions that they're stepping out, and Derek returns a short wave. He wouldn't lock the door until after they'd gotten back.

Axel opens the door for Jess so she can go out first, and within minutes, they're walking the sidewalk through the crisp night air. It was much cooler here than in Nevada, but the air had a refreshing feel to it. Though spring was around the corner, it still got a bit nippy at night.

Axel keeps the pace fairly slow, his hands tucked into his pockets. "It's been a while since I've walked this neighborhood," he mentions. "I used to all the time..."

Walking to the end of the second block, he stops and points. "There's a park up there a ways if you're interested. Or there's an all-night coffee shop the opposite way. Or..." He points straight ahead. "Town ends on a pretty dirt road that makes you feel like you're out in the middle of nowhere."

Laura had not even heard anyone come up behind her. She is so engrossed in taking her frustrations out on the woodpile that it didn't matter whose voice it is. Before it can even register in her mind, she is taken totally off guard.

Reflexes kick in. Without even thinking, she whirls around, not looking before she twirls the ax around and swings. The handle hits Nate squarely in the stomach before being turned again, the blunt side of the head coming up right where it counts.

Seeing Nate go down to his knees, Laura gasps, dropping the ax and putting a hand over her mouth. "Oh, Nate!" She kneels next to him and puts a hand to his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

Only now in the dim light can the bruises on her face be seen, and the split lip that was slowly healing.

"Are you okay?" Worry courses through her eyes, and she feels stupid for having reacted so quickly.

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