
Darkness Falls

"Ok Reese. I will for you. Thank you for keeping me informed."

*Katie hangs up her phone and leans her head back softly say a prayer.*

"Dear Lord, Please calm Con soul and help him remember you in this time of hardship. And that when he feels hoplessly lost he will lean on you. Also please keep Jamie safe. You know we are all worryed for he, but keep you Angel's with her and let her know your there watching over her. Don't let her give up hope that your there. Amen."

*Nate goes over and over the map, and in and out of headquarters check out differnt sites but coming back empty handed every time. As the day turns into night Nate takes Ed from Wyatt's car and brings him into TJY heading for Con.*

"Con, I though you could take care of Ed for Jamie. He is quite the hero ya know. I'll be back in a bit need to get some sleep. You should do the same."

*Nate turns and heads out to be back in a few hours.*

*As the night falls Sam stays close to Jamie helping her drink water every now and than and drying the blood from her face. Doing what she can to make her feel comfortable.*

*Katie smiles up at Jason as he enters the room. She had hardly seen him all day and understood why but had missed him.*

"Hey Hey look who the cat draged in. Rough day huh? Thats a bummer. I am sure you guys will find Jamie soon. God will keep her safe. I just wish Con wasent killing himself over this."

*A look of saprise forms on Katies face at the mention of Con and Jamie together.*

"I new there were really close friends but nothing more. Mable said something about it when I was at the restront before but I dident think anything of it. Mable has a way of, twisting what she thinks and knows bless her heart. Well I better let you get your rest. Your gonna have alot of long nights till this is over J. Sleep well J."

*After a few minutes Katie picks up her cell phone and dials Con's number only to get his voice mail. Quietly as to not wake Jason Katie leave a message.*

"Hey Big Brother. I'm told your taking this whole thing pretty hard. I cant say I dont blame you. I think I might be the same way if Jason was ever taken again so dont worry I wont harp on ya. I just wanted to call and make sure your talking care of yourself. You need to get some sleep and some food in your tummy. That way you stay stong for Jamie and are thinking clearly. Remember I love ya Big Brother. Talk to you soon."

*Katie hands up and places the phone by her bed where the flowers from Con and Jamie sat. Please let her be ok and give Con peace. Turning her head to face Jason, Katie smiles as he sleep. Closing her eyes she finally drifts off herself.*

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