
The Secret Told

*Nate nods at the other two looking between them.*

"Ok, so we know ten to one says they are armed. So that means we are going in armed too. Next question is should we get more people to back us up, and how are we gonna do this. If anyone stands in our way we know what to do. But what about the guys who dont. We cant just let them go free."

*Nate looks between Jason and Wyatt for addvise. It was his operation and desitions that were listened to but he always like listing to what his other team members had to say.*

*Katie smiles at Laura and nods.*

"Anytime Laura. I'm always around to listen. Night."

*After Laura leaves Katie flicks the tv to nervouse and worryed about what the day break will bring for everyone. Fliping thought the channels Katie find a movie to watch finally falling a sleep with the phone by her head incase a call came in.*

*Nate lets out a yawn as he downs his 4th cup of coffee. He HAD to be awake and alert this morning for this. Lising to Jason he gives a nod. Jason was smarter than anyone he ever met for his young age. He would never argue with one of his planes. He had helped Nate out of many sticky situations before.*

"Sounds good to me Hotsot. Lets get the stuff we think we will need and get rolling."

*Jamie maniges to open her eyes to look at Carson. The cold hard steel that was there yesterday is now gone. Love and compation only remains. Coughing Jamie speaks softly Never leaving Carson's eyes.*

"You think its to late for you Carson, But its not. God can save you still Carson. I forgive you."

*Jamies eyes close and her body goes limp.*

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