
My Story

*Nate hangs up the phone with Reese and heads back into the kitchen sighing and pulling up another chair.*

"Reese wants us to stay put for now untill our friend here gives us any clues at all about where Jamie might be. And it needs to be handled in a profestional manor as well."

*Nate looks at Con his eyes full of worry about what is going on in his head. Nate new Con was capable of much, and even though he was about as big as Con but alittle shorter he new it would be quite a challange to bring Con down even if there was 3 of them. A man of Con's size with a hot temper behind him would be like trying to stop a tank. Nate sits and listens to that Dirk is saying. Taking every bit of information in. As the shots rings out Nate falls to the ground like many times in the past befor standing he scans he room making sure his friend are. Finally standing and leting out a long sigh. Con killed someone..sure Con killed lots of people in the past but something about this was differnt. Standing Nate says nothing and goes over to Con checking his shoulder. He couldent scold Con, if it has been him in Con's shoes he wasent sure if he would of done anything differntly. Helping Con up Nate nods.*

"Ya I'll drive Con's car and follow you guys back to TJY."

*Giving a heart laugh and trying to lighten the mood a bit Nate exclames as they walk out of the house.*

"I think we all have quite one or two times before. I know I have. And Reese keeps leting us boneheads come back like we are important to him so something."

*Nate gives a sly grin.*

*Slowly Jamie turns her eyes twords Carson at the new of Con's death. Her eyes filling with pain and the tears siting on the edgh of her lids waiting to come out. Jamie's heart breaks. What was the point now. It dident matter if she told or not Con was dead. She had learned to love again and be loved in return only to have it taken away now. Why, This wasent fair. Jamie's eyes follow Carson as he stands and heads for the steps. With eyes of steel and a voice drained of life Jamie calls.*

"You'll burn in hell for what you've done, but its never to late."

*Joe makes his way over to Jamie as she speaks backhanding her across the face. The rings on his fingers catching on her skin causing a gash from the courner of her mouth up across her cheek. As the blood starts to fill Jamies mouth and run down her face he gives out a low cackle.*

"Dident you mom ever tell you if you dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all?"

*Turning he leaves following Carson up the steps closing the door behind him.*

*Once the door is shut Sam inches her way over to Jamie as she holds her stumic from where she was kicked. Moving the glass of water she sits down in the chair.*

"Oh Jamie, I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to have the ones you love taken from you by the Agency. Its not fun. Not fun as all. I was marryed and had a sun at one point in time. Both are still alive but neather know me anymore. They both live in Texas now. MY husband dosent even know that they boy he see almost every week is his son."

*Sam lets a long drawn out sigh.*

"Little BJ. I took him to that Ranch out there the R/M so he would be safe with people I new would love him. and Even his family. His uncil Mick, and Aunt Annie. We were triplit taking by the Agency split up. They dont even know BJ is related to them eather. Along with some of my other brothers there."

*Sam looks at Jamie studing her face before talking again. Filling her in on everything of the past that happend with little BJ and Damien. How she worked for the Agency cuz she had to. An hour pass when she is finally done.*

"...your the only one who knows the truth Jamie. I know your friends are one there way to finding you. So I ask a request from you. When you get out of here and are able to travil will you go to Texas and let them know about Little BJ and let him know his mother loved him very much and was ever so sorry for everything that happens."

*Jamie starts to shake her head, in a low quiet voice replys.*

"When my friends come to rescue me, I'll make sure they get you out too."

*Sam smiles. It was sweet how Jamie dident just think of herself as a time like this.*

"Even if they do get me out along with you Jamie, my body has been through so much at the hands of the agency and I have been here for so long, I wont make it for very long. Its not my destiny to make it out of here. But if it helps we can hope anyways."

*Sam trys to keep a positive smiles as she gently washes the cut on the side of Jamie's face unable to stop it from bleeding.*

"When you get out if its soon enough your going to need stickes on that."

*As Katie searchs though more files on her computer she comes across a spot that talks about an abandon house that at one time had a bombshelter connected to it. The wheels in Katies head start to turn. What a perfect place to keep someone. There crys, screams, please, even a gunshot would be unhurd of. It was down by the lake. It was worth a shot. Katie dials Reese's number.*

"Reese...I was going through some files and I came across a section about an old house that had a bomb shelter connected to it. Ya I thought maybe it was worth a shot. Its down by the lake."

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