

Jason looks up to see Nate and offers an offhanded salute of greeting before receiving the questions.

“No, the idiot still hasn’t eaten anything, nor has he taken a rest. He headed towards his office a few minutes ago, but he hasn’t been back – I don’t know what he’s doing or what’s taking him so long.

“As far as Wyatt’s concerned, I haven’t heard anything…” He suddenly glances behind Nate. “Speak of the devil.”

Wyatt makes his way to the table and grabs a chair, hyped, despite the late hour. “That house has got to be it. I parked a ways away from it and went on foot through the strip of woods there. I saw a light on and several guys come and go… you can’t tell me it’s legit business at this time of the night.” He looks back and forth between Nate and Jason. “All we got to do now is figure out how we’re gonna get in there without somebody getting killed. We can bet that anyone in there is armed. I saw about three guys tonight, but there’s no telling numbers tomorrow.”

Laura smiles at Katie, grateful for the encouragement. “I know…thanks. I know it’ll all work out somehow…it’s just hard to see at a time like this, I guess. And I suppose I worry too much…I know Con’s heart…I know he knows what’s right and will come back around…. But when I heard he’d killed a guy today I guess I just had a moment of question ya know?”

Laura takes a deep breath and looks back at the clock. “Thanks for letting me talk, Katie…I feel better…” She smiles a little. “I should get on home for a few hours sleep before I head back to TJY at daybreak. I know we’ll call you if anything changes.”

She rises from her chair and gives a slight wave. “Night, Katie.”

The sun begins to peak over the horizon, creating a grayish pink atmosphere. A fog has settled over the land, giving an eerie feel to the already stressful early hours.

Laura gets back to TJY, ready to help out, and spots all the guys where she last saw them at the table.

Con runs his finger along the map as the four discuss a plan of action. “These woods here, where you were last night, Wyatt, would be a good entry point, but we should have someone here on the other side in case they run.”

Jason polishes off his orange juice and nods in agreement. “Once we’re there, we have to determine how many we’re up against, and figure out a way in. After that, it’ll be playing it by ear. Dangerous, but necessary.” He looks across at Nate. “Well, Captain, whadya think?”

“Rise and shine!” Carson shines a bright flashlight into Jamie’s face and reaches down to drag her over to the wall, propping her up in the corner. “Well, little missy, sorry to barge in here on you like this, but apparently we’re giving you one more chance to talk before we simply leave you down here and go on our merry way.”

A knife blade glints in his hand as he squats down in front of her and reaches out to take her chin and shift her face towards him. He stares in her eyes for several moments, and suddenly seems to decide not to use the weapon, putting it back in his pocket. “If I were you, Jamie I’d talk. You got one more chance. Don’t make me leave you here.”

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