
Lean on Me

*Katie gives a soft grone as Jason shovers her. Oping her eyes she wasent in a deep sleep.*

"Since when did I become you mother."

*She replys in a playful tone. Finally noting Laura.*

"Oh Hey Laura!"

*As Jason leaves the room Katie rolls her eyes and giggles.*

" I'll try not too."

*As Katie turns her attachen back to Laura she can tell something is not right. A deep pain had formed in her friends eyes. Smiling softly she nods.*

"Its ok Laura, its will be nice to see ya and have someone bedsides the guys here all the time."

*As Laura talks Katie takes what is said in. Not knowing any of this about Con. He was such a sweet guy it was hard to believe. Puting a hand on Laura shoulder Katie smiles not speaking till she is done.*

"Wow Laura and I though my past was rough. I am so sorry. Its ok to be scaired though, but ju7st remember God is in controll. He will take care of your worrys Laura. Con has alot of people praying for him. Things will work out in the end Laura. You just have to trust God. And be there for Con. He needs his little sister as much as you need him."

*Katie smiles giving Laura's shoulder a friendly squeeze.*

*Nate walks across the floor with a coffee cup in hand. His eyes with heavy bags under them but alart non the less.*

"Hey Hotshot."

*Looking around Nate dosents see Con.*

"Did he decied to go to sleep or get something to eat? Also is Wyatt back yet?"

*Nate knows he is asking 20 questions but being the leader of the team had its responsiblitys to know what was going on and when, where everyone was.*

"As soon as we hear back from Wyatt or when he gets back we can sit down with a game plane hoping this is the spot where Jamie is. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If this isent than there is no way she is in Navada still."

*Nate takes another sip from his coffee and sits down in a chair.*

*Jamie trys to hold her head up to take another drink of water from Sam but cant. She hasent eaten in 2 days her small farm having a hard time handling it loses its strength. Jamie trys to speak.*

"Sorry Sam but I dont think I will be going to Texas for you after all. I cant take this much longer."

*A tear rolls down Sam's face as she holds her new found friend close.*

"They are coming Jamie. They are coming. Your gonna be ok. Just hold on."

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