

Scott’s grip on Katie tightens just a little, and he returns her kiss gently but prolonging it as his hand slips behind her head, holding her close. It was sweet…warm…a replica of what they’d shared the evening before. Drawing away, his eyes sparkle with new life…a new spark that she had helped him find. “You’re gonna be alright, Katie,” he says quietly. “Thank you for allowing me in your life.”

Before anything more can be said, Rick reenters the room, though doesn’t focus on his patient or Katie. Instead, his eyes remain on the file in his hands as he moves to the counter. He speaks over his shoulder. “Scott, it’s about time for that shot of yours. If you can pull yourself away from more interesting…topics…it would be for your best interest, and I won’t have to force you.” He remains with his back turned. “And get the dog off the bed – that’s what I gave her a blanket for.”

Scott smirks, giving a slight roll of his eyes as he looks at Katie. “You can stay, but I’m not so sure you want to be around when I’m less than lucid again.”

Carson takes a deep breath and looks at Misty again. She was so strong…so devoted…so willing to sacrifice. The wheels in his mind begin to spin. A lot was at stake here, and right now, this thing was in his hands. He had to think of something…he had to do more than sit back and wait. But he would do it alone. “Alright,” he relents. “You’re in. But I decide when and where.”

Reese throws his hands up in the air. “Why am I even bothering to run this thing? You two are doing everything.”

Carson smirks at him. “Take it easy, big guy.” He shakes his head. “Look…we got twenty-four hours. That gives us until around noon tomorrow. Let me do some thinking. I got someone I can call too…maybe dig up some more information that might help us form a plan before we’re taken by surprise.” Something passes through Carson’s eyes…something he’s not saying. He’s desperate to get answers, and he’ll get them one way or another.

He gives Misty’s hand a squeeze. “It’ll be fine. The rest of you get your thinking caps on and tomorrow morning bright and early we’ll meet again. And somebody…Nate…would you mind seeing if you can get Jason to pull his head out of his butt long enough to help us out?”

Reese stands up again in agreement. “Alright. Tomorrow. In my office. Seven o’clock.”

Dispersing from Reese’s office, Carson slings his arm around Misty and leans down to kiss her head. “Thanks for helping, Misty. We’ll get this figured out so all of us end up alive and well.”

The day seems to drag on…

Jason is restless in his office and does get some work done for Reese to make his stay worthwhile, but opts to leave early. A phone call from Kyle asking if he’d be ready for the concert coming up left him feeling drained, though he’d finally relented. He didn’t want to go…but to make his friends happy, he would, though he would be sharing the spotlight with Kyle this time.

After work, Jason heads out on his bike, not going straight back to Carson’s. He rode around for a while, just trying to clear his mind and dwell on nothing in particular. Winding up hungry, but still not wanting to deal with Carson, he finds himself back at Mom and Pop’s. It felt strange to be eating out in the evening alone…he was too used to having Katie with him…or even someone from work…or even Con. Alone felt…so alone. But he just wanted a distraction…if he went home, he’d just have too much time to think.

Dismounting his bike, he wanders back inside, pausing for just a moment at the door. He quirks his eyebrow at a poster on the window. Kyle had been making his rounds. A poster advertised the upcoming event, showing JetStream and a picture of the band. It produces just a bit of melancholy in Jason…it reminded him of the good times he’d had with the band. Could he ever gain that back?

Shaking his head, he heads for his favorite booth in the back.

Laura heaves a sigh and exits her cubicle, preparing to leave for the night. Her heart felt heavy…for the situation of Mick…for Jason. So many things had been going right, now so many things were going wrong again. She aims for the door, planning to go to the store, then on home. She didn’t know if Katie would be home tonight or not. Rumors had already started about her and Scott, and Laura was curious, but hadn’t asked. There were a lot of puzzle pieces, and she could add them up, but wasn’t sure if she’d formed the right picture or not.

Carson paces his living room floor, chewing on yet another piece of gum, a sign that his nerves were being strained. His cell phone to his ear, he listened, and argued, bantered and bartered. He was just as glad Jason wasn’t home yet. “Ashlynn, don’t give me this. I want answers. …No! Now what’s the deal? Why me? What’s the point?...” He throws a hand up in the air. “Stop playing games with me!” A sly comment sends Carson’s blood to his face as he struggles to maintain control of the conversation and of himself. “Look, just quit with the tactics. I called for answers, not to start something up with you again. I want to know why the Agency wants me so bad as to kidnap someone else. Why not just take me down?” He listens intently, his eyes suddenly widening. “What? What are you talking about? I do not! ….No! I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

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