
I am

*Scott's words comforted Katie, searching his face for the meaning in his words Katie can see the questions and answers his heart wants to hear. Moving slightly Katie props herself up on her elbow leaning her head on her hand still looking deep into Scott's eyes. She was comfortable with him, He gave her hope and she felt protected with him. The kiss the shaired last night was amazing it made Katie smile though the pain just thinking about it. She had spend the night with Scott unmoved comfortable enough to fall alseep in his arms not once but twice now. Katie would be stupid to push Scott away. *

Sad endings begin every new romance.

"I want to be happy again. This is what I want Scott. I am willing to try and do this, if your willing to try. I want this to work. I'm...ready to try start again."

*Katie leans down and gives Scott a small soft kiss sealing the words she ment. She4 was ready to build her walls up and let a new love in.*

*As Aerith finishes up around the restront for the day her mind drifts back to Jason. He had seemed so down and depressed when he first came into the restront and when he left, he seemed slightly in a better mood. It made Aerith feel good that maybe she helped brighten Jason's day. Maybe today all he had needed was a friend and if she offered that to him and it helped than she felt a bit happy herself. Grabing her jacket Aerith says goodnight to Mable and Herb and heads out for the day.*

*Misty listens to Carson and he argues with Reese and Nate about not using her or leting her put herself in danger. It showed he had changed and he really did care. Misty grips Carson's hand again she can fell herself clam, the spunk she normaly had being put away for not. This was not the time for it. This was no joke.*

"Carson...Let me take them down with you than. I thank you for trying to protect me. IT means more than you know to hear you say what you did. but I want to help. If that means being the eyes thats fine. However if you go in there I go in there. I'm not leaving you alone on this one. So...we take them down without you sacraficing yourself or, I will be going with you."

*Misty looks up at Carson, the care showing through her eyes and the sensarity in her words. Misty had promised the man she had grown to care so much about that she would never leave his side again. She wasent going to let him go through this alone not this time.*

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