
You can't consider

*Aerith lets out a small laugh.*

"Yes I guess your right. In the last two weeks I have seen alot of people more than once. Sometimes even two times in one day. I guess that just proves the food is good."

*As if an unknown for wills her to stay Aerith half slids into the booth across from Jason lean aganst the wall her one foot keeping her standing and the other kneeling on the seat. It was strange the people in this town she had met so far were differnt. She never willingly carryed on a conversation with a perfect stranger before yet...this was the second time.*

"I'm from New York City. My grandmother lives on the other side of town and I came here to take care of her. Or I should say my mother and step father forced me to come take care of her so they dident have to. I guess I dont mind though. When I am not at her house I am pretty happy."

*Aerith cant help but let out a dry laugh.*

"She's not the nicest of people, so I figured geting a job to make some money one the side wouldent hurt. How about you? Are you found around here? Or just lived here long enough to lose any other accent?"

*Misty makes her way across te flood with a folder open in her hands Rick had given her on the nerve damage. She had looked them over and found a few things of intrest that should would like to try out but she would need Reese promition on it first. Seeing Susanne is out of the office right now Misty just continues to her uncles door. As Misty is about to push the door open a familure voice is hurd that turns her blood to ice causing a low growl in her throut. Ashlynn!*

*Nate just stands and listens as the call goes on with Ashlynn and Carson. The Agency did have Mick and now they wanted to trade for Carson. Nate goes over the options in his head. Both were a lose lose situation that would lead to someone ending up very sad. Carson had Misty and Mick had Rosetta and BJ that much he had known. After the call ends Nate thinks for a long moment before speaking look up at Reese than to Carson.*

"I dont think we do have an option. There is no garenty that they will give Mick back and if we give you up in hopes of that and they dont. Than they have 2 and we are left with nothing. Not to mention I dont think we could throw you to the dogs."

*Nates words trail off as he thinks leaning with both hands onto the desk. As the door to Reese office swings open with force Nate wherls around to see Misty standing in the door way non to happy.

Entering Reese office Misty true perpuse for coming is lost. Everything she had just hurd. The whole conversation hit hard.*

"You cant serously be considering give up Carson to the Agency to that woman. You know thats insaine. There is no telling what they could do to you. There has to be another way. Carson...dont even think about that as an option not now, not when things are good. Cant you guys call someone, do something differnt."

*Misty's eyes dart from Reese, to Nate to Carson panic corsing through them.

Nate lets out a heavy sigh. Not knowing what to do. Its was hard to see Misty infront of him, pleading for Carson. Knowing she could be losing him. It broke Nates own heart.

Misty goes over to Carson takes his hand in her and looking him dead in the eyes, no joking in her voice.*

"I dont want to lose you again."

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