

*Misty sinks into Carson's lap being her arms around him as he rests his head on her shoulder running her hand through his hair. Her mind moving a million miles a minute. What was going to happen, many differnt things were at stake here. Misty trys to rack her own brain for differnt options on what to do. She wanted to help. Her place here at TJY was to help in the infermary and that in itself was a big job but when something like this came up Misty wanted to help just as much. An idea starts to form in her mind was it worth saying surly Nate, Carson let alone Reese think it was a good idea.*

"What if you used me along with Carson. We all know the Agency would probley be happy to get there hands on me again along with Carson. I hold just about as much information as he does."

*Misty looks between all three men before continuing.*

"If we hand over Carson and I am with him maybe that will be the destraction we need. I'm pretty good at handling myself too thats been proven Carson has seen it. Not to mention he and I work well together. "

*Misty cant help but let alittle laugh escape from her lips at the though.*

"Its just an idea but its better than just giving up Carson alone. Also the Agency would be looking for guns on us. I dont do guns its not me thing. I like knifes and I can hide them place since they are small enough the Agency wouldent even bother looking. Not that I would want to use them, but if I had to I'd have them. Anywas its just an option to keep in the back of your mind."

*Nate listend to Misty as she talks. They dident want to send Carson in there let alone Misty eather. It just dident sound like a good plain to Nate.*

"I dont know Misty, we dont want to send Carson in let alone you. I mean I am sure you have great ablitys but I think that would be a last resort thing."

*Nate grows quiet again before looking to Carson and speaking. He dident want to say anything while Misty was there if it would upset her even more. But Misty was a grown woman and her intrest was with Carson she had a right to know everything too.*

"We dont even know if they wont kill you after they get you Carson. You and Mick both have alot going for you in life right now. Neater of your lifes are greater or less than the other. We could always Have Scott rig some kind of new wire up to put on Carson. Somewhere the Agency cant figure out wireless too. Than we can listen into everything..."

*Nate lets out a sigh.*

"...and IF we consider Misty going too maybe we can get a tiny camra on her. Its dangerous but it would allow us to listen, and hear everything. Who knows maybe we can record what goes down too and get it to Lockheart to be used in court."

*Aerith smiles at Jason though picking up ont he sadness that tints his voice for a moment. Though over looks it not drawing attachen to it. Aerith found it intresting that Jason was in law inforcment as well. This must be the gathering place.*

"I guess when you do a certun job for a long time its hard to break away and do something alse. This is the first job I've even had outside my step father law office doing paperwork. I never really liked it though. I love it here so far. I like talking if you couldent tell. I dont really like taking care of my grandmother but she is still family so I do it anyways. I guess deep inside I hope I can make her smile alittle biut to before her time is up. I know it might be a lost cause but, I still give her alittle hope. Working gets me out of the house for a break, and trying to make new friends and get out helps too. I just keep hoping for better days, knowing sooner or later they will come and everything will be ok, no matter what pain or depresstion I am in now."

*Aerith stratens up as she stands and takes Jason's banana peel. Shocked with herself that she actully stood there and talked for so long. Her face turns a small shade of red.*

"And I have probley talked your ear off now so I should get back to work. It was really really nice to meet you Jason, and I hope to see you again!"

*Aerith takes the plate with the peel and heads behind the counter and heading for the backroom. Before disapearing behind the swinnging door Aerith throws Jason another warm and friendly smile.*

"You know if Rick catchs you up here again he is going to be upset."

*Katie speaks to Domino with a horse sleepy voice that has a hind of a smile in it. Reaching her free hand over Scott she scratches Domino's head.

Than leaning her head up off Scott's chest and rests it on his arm tilting it back to look at Scott in the eyes. Katie isent sure what words she should speak to match how thankful she was for Scott giving her the shelter she needed. Katie knows its not much but smiles the best she can up at Scott laying her hand on his chest.

She was broken and brused and hurting, but as Scott had his arms around her Katie could feel the healing start once again and could only hope and pray this time the would would stay closed. It would be a long hard process but it would be alittle easyer knowing she dident have to face it alone. Scott wouldent be waiting at the end of the tunnal, he would be walking aloneside her, offering his arms when she needed them.*

"Thank you Scott, for not giving up and for staying with me."

*Katie grows silent again as she just studys Scotts eyes, graspig to the hope and comfort he had to offer. Scott truly was an extraodanry man.*

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