

Clint is knocked off balance and hits the doorway with his already-sore shoulder. “Ah!” He smirks at Wendy, reaching out to give her hair a teasing pull. “Good morning to you too.” He offers a teasing grin.

Jason looks at Rosetta thoughtfully as she leaves. She’s said some very encouraging things that he wanted to take to heart… People didn’t normally talk to him like that, and it really made him stop and think.

Cindy sees Rosetta talking with Jason, then when she leaves, she feels prompted to go talk to her son. They needed to clear the air one way or the other, no matter how awkward it was. She gives Wes a glance, then rises from her chair to go to Jason.

Jason looks up as his mother approaches and he sighs deeply, giving her a glance of apology as she sits down across from him. “Morning.”

Cindy forces a smile. “Good morning…” She cocks her head, and just studies Jason for several moments. “I’m sorry, Jason…”

“No,” he cuts her off. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have made you worry like I did. It was my fault.”

Cindy shakes her head. “You did what you thought was right, and for that, I’m proud of you. Yes, I was worried to death, and I don’t like experiencing that, but…what happened happened, and we just need to move on.”

Jason opens his mouth to argue more, but shuts it, knowing his mother is trying to get past the whole thing. He offers a grin. “Okay.”

She reaches over to give his hand a loving squeeze. “I’m going to go get some breakfast.”

“Alright. I’ll get something later.” Once again, Jason is by himself. He can see Austin out of the corner of his eye, but doesn’t feel much like approaching him yet. It was one thing talking to his mom and Rosetta…it was entirely different confronting his grandfather, who surely wasn’t as forgiving as the others.

“Hey you.” Jade smiles and plops down beside Jason, offering him a glass of orange juice. “Thought you might be able to use this.”

Glad for the change in pace and a reason to quit thinking about the heavier topics, Jason grins at Jade. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Jade’s smile remains as she looks at him. “I hope things are alright.” She scrunches up her nose. “Guess everyone got a little stirred up around here, huh.”

“You could say that.” Jason chuckles. “Sorry you had to witness all of that.”

“Eh…” Jade shrugs. “I’ve got a family too, ya know. Life isn’t perfect, and if someone thinks it is, they haven’t lived.” She pauses, glancing down. “How’s the leg?”

“Fair.” Jason takes a swig of orange juice. “Just gonna take a while to heal I guess.”

“Do you have to go to therapy?”

“I was supposed to go two days ago,” Jason admits. “I’ll have to reschedule. But yes, I should be just a few times. Most what I have to do though, I can do myself. It’s just gonna take time to see how much mobility I regain.”

Jade cocks her head, feeling a bit sorry for him. “I’m sure it’ll heal out alright.”

Jason appreciates the encouragement, and can’t help his grin as he takes another sip of juice. “We’ll see. I won’t be in much dancing shape for this social coming up though.”

Jade giggles, giving his arm a kidding pat. “I don’t care. I’ve got two left feet anyway.”

Jason chuckles. “Then I guess we make the perfect couple, don’t we?”

A slight blush comes to Jade’s cheeks and she laughs. “Maybe we do.” She sighs and looks to the kitchen. “Well, I promised Becky I’d help with dishes. I’ll catch you later.”

“Yeah…” Jason watches her leave, and polishes off his orange juice with a couple pain killers. Thinking several minutes in quiet, he looks towards the tables that are set up with computers, and spies a file folder with records he’d been going through. Making up his mind, he rises, deciding to avoid Austin for now. He’d rather straighten out another mess first before tackling that one.

Leaving the mess hall, he swings his way towards Katie’s bunk, rolling his eyes at himself, and just hoping he doesn’t make things worse. But he’s got to do something before the tension kills somebody. He arrives at her door and knocks.

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