

*Time comes, days go. Katie and Jason patched the akwardness but still drift slightly apart as Jason spends more time with Jade. Katies heart acks as she see them both together but trys to maintain her composure.*

*Finally the day of the Social is here. Everyone is busy running around.*

*Katie puts the last ceurl in her hair. What a pain it was. It had goten so long and its not often she wore it down. Runing her hand down her knee langth black dress she gets the wrinkles out. Checking her makup one last time. Becky had been nice enough to help her put it on. Katie sighs as she heads out of the bathroom. Why was she doing this. She never dressed up. and why was she feeling nervouse. Its not like she had anyone to go with. Leting out a long sigh she exits her bunk and heads to the mess hall.*

*Wes enters the mess hall his hands behind his back. He has on his Black dress coat on with a white rose pined to it. He has his black dress pants, cowboy hat, and black cowboy boots on. Walking over to Cindy he gives a small bow. Taking his hands from behind his back he holds out a corsash for Cindy's wrist.* "Mi Lady." *Gently Wes takes it out of the box and puts it around Cindy's wrist beaming.*

*Rosetta looks in the mirror one last time than look at the clock on her dresser relizing she was late. Sliping on her high heel shoes she grabs her black lace shall to go over her black and bloodred spagetti strap ball dress. Walking very carfuly but trying to hurry across the lawn Rosetta wobbles alittle not use to heals. Finally she enters and looks around for Mick*

*Wendy is the next to enter in her long Snow white dress with a black ribbon the goes around the wast and down the back. Her hair has a black ribbon holding it back and small white flowers line her hair. As she enters she looks at Clint and beams walksing over to him.*

*Angel enters the mess hall through the back door her baby blue dress on and her hair pulled up. Walking up next to Luke she looks around the room at everyone, and her eyes on the kids.* "How they remind me of us at there age."

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