
Morning again!

*Wendy nods to Clint.* "Ok...I'll keep these chairs in line till I head off to bed." *Wendy smiles and gives Clint a hug goodnight. After a few more hours look at stuff on the computer Wendy heads to bed herself.*

*Wes walks with Cindy to her bunk than makes his way to his own.*

*After Jason leave Katie stands in the dark for a long while. Mumbaling to herself.* "Well that was stupid of me." *Katie rolls her eyes to herself and than glances at her flowers. No matter how awkword it was Katie cant help but smile. Changing into her pj's Katie hops into bed. For a long while she just stairs up at the cealing. Finally falling asleep.*

*As Night drifts on its quiet at the ranch. Finally morning comes to chanse away the shadows. As the sun comes up its a golden color with hints of purple. The birds start to chirp.*

*As Katie opens her eyes she can tell its morning all ready. Geting out of bed she rubs her eyes groggly. Throwing on a pair of sweat pants she heads out to the mess hall searching for coffee before doing anything alse for the day. As the crisp air hits her face, she rememebd the events of lastnight and the kiss. Without relizing it she is smiling again. Yet a new form of tention forms at going to have to see Jason again.*

*One by one the others in the ranch wake and make there way to the mess hall as they have so many other times in the past. This was now there normal rutean.*

*Rosetta eyes flutter open and for a moment wonders where she is. Than looking up she see Mick sleeping. Had they fallen asleep there last night on the coutch and not even relized it. Poor mick was going to have a crick in his next from sleeping up all night. Smiling Rosetta dosent move not wanting to wake Mick and enjoying his arms around her.*

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