

*Rosetta sits up and smiles trying to fix her hair but it wont work unless a brush it taken to it.* "Well I guess thats a good think to know in case we ever get lost out in the cold." *Rosetta grins at Mick.* "Good morning sleepy head. Sorry about the neck. I guess I was more tired than I first thought to not have woke till this morning." *Rosettas mind is foggy for a bit but than relives the events from yesterday evening.*

*Wes makes his way to the mess hall. Seeing Cindy siting alone he walks twords her and sits like his has found himself doing so much latly. Reaching over Wes gives Cindy a hug without saying anything. No words are needed as he can tell how Cindy feels. Hope remained in Wes' heart that today everyone could patch things up and go on with things.*

*Katie lifts her head as Jason enters the room. Quickly she looks at him but than looks away. Katie replys everything in her mind that happend the night before. Why had she kissed Jason. She was more of a clear thinker than that. Did she want to be more than friend with Jason, yes. That answer was simple, but she dident want to jeprodize there friendship and she did just that. Would there friendship ever be the same or did the action she took lastnight change thins permintly. Katie hoped in her heart of hearts this wouldent change now, but if they did she dident blame Jason. Take the last sip of her coffee she stands and takes her mug to the kitchen puting it into the sink. Sighing she decieds she probley should go take a shower and get dressed. Slowly she walks out of the kitchen heading for the door. Stoping she gives a quick glance over to Jason's way and decieds its probley best to say something to him. Walking over she pulls a chair out and sits down. Still keeping her eyes down on the table.* "Jason, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldent have kissed you lastnight. It was wrong of me and I hope you can forgive me and I hope this dosent change anything." *Katie looks up and searches Jason's eyes for answers.* " Our friendship means so much to me, and I dont want to lose it. I thank you foreverything and dont take blame for anything. Your a great person and dont you ever let anyone tell you any differnt. I am so proude to call you my friend." *Katie gives a small smile and stands again.* " I guess I should go take a shower now and start my day. I'll catch you alittle later." *Katie makes her way out of the mess hall and to her bunk.*

*Rosetta watches Katie leave the mess hall. Turning to Mick she nods and smiles signaling she will be right back. Geting up and walking over to Jason, Rosetta places a hand on his shoulder and looks twords the closeing door.* " You really make her happy and feel good you know that. She values your friendship more than anything and would do anything for you as a friend. Thats what true friend are. They stick together through anything and are always there just a call away. One of the trates of making a true friendship is being able to endure though anything. The strange, happy, sad, awakward, and upseting times. " *Rosetta finally looks down at Jason.* " I havent seen her smile so much in a long time. Its good to see her happy, and its nice to know she has a friend who would do anything for her. Thank you Jason. For being Katie's hope, that there are still good people out there. I'm also sorry I dident trust you more. You guys are adults now, and need to make your own desitions. I guess I was just so worryed I forgot that. So again I am sorry."

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