

Mick shifts his weight slightly to lean back in the couch more comfortably, and lets Rosetta sleep. His own eyes grow heavy, and before he knows it, he’s dozed off, his arm still around her.

Clint beams at Wendy, assuming a silly grin. “If I had more hours in a day, I’d wear myself out fighting chairs. At least right now I get a break after a while.” He laughs and looks at the clock. “I think I hear my bed calling…”

Cindy forces a small smile and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. “Thank you, Wes. You’re right…I just need to let things go for now. I should probably try to get some sleep. It’s late…”

As Katie leans closer to him, Jason can feel his pulse quicken, and for a moment he doesn’t even hear what she is saying. Feeling her lips meet his, he’s taken so off guard that he can’t even react. His eyes widen slightly, and he’s glad for the darkness as Katie steps back, knowing that his face has grown hot. He swallows hard, and the silence becomes more and more awkward, but no words that cross his mind seem to be the right ones. He shifts his weight uncomfortably, and finally clears his throat. “Um…good night, Katie.” He can sense her embarrassment, and he keeps his voice clear of reprimand. “I’ll see you in the morning…” He turns and grabs his crutches again to make his way out of the bunk. Once steady on the ground he stops and takes a deep breath, battling between emotions, and logic. It’s a far more intense struggle than he would have imagined.

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