
Hotter water

Misty's words hit Jason below the belt. Maybe he was scared, maybe he was being too proud - but it didn't change anything. There was too much going on right now...he couldn't handle anything else, least of all with Katie. It just wouldn't work.

Keeping his eyes elsewhere, he resists rolling them. He should just divert the conversation and leave it be. He should just stop things where they were and not let it go any further. Misty was ready to leave - he should just get up and let it all go. But his tongue doesn't let him.

"Yeah. I did let her know how I felt. And then I promptly made her feel like dirt by taking my feelings away from her after she'd had a taste. How's that for pushing someone away?"

He leans back in his chair and looks up at Misty, holds out his arms, his annoyance showing through his slight sarcasm. "You got me. I'm the most insensitive guy that ever roamed the earth, and I'm a butthead for what I've put Katie through." He stops, refraining from a glare. "Now if you were me, would you want to risk continuing to put her through heck? I sure wouldn't. It's better this way."

He stands up and takes his wallet to leave payment on the table. Turning back around, he looks down at Misty, a strange glint in his eye. It wasn't angry.... it wasn't arrogant.... it was something else. His tone is lowered. "At least I know I'm not the only one with hidden feelings."

Sighing, Jason heads to the door. He wishes they'd brought two vehicles, but he'd driven them both, so he had to ride back to TJY with Misty. If he didn't shut up soon, he'd get himself into even hotter water.

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