
Lets go

*Charlotte sits quiet for a long moment. Working through everything Bret said in her mind. Car racing, jail, robbing banks, jail again. Everything came as a surprise. Charlotte new Bret had some problems and understood that but this was heavy. However she was honored that he told her the truth and she cheeks even gained some color as she talked about being with her and feeling different around her. Truth be told, Charlotte was really starting to feel the same, that without Bret around is sucked. Finally Charlotte speaks as she holds Bret's hand and her eyes lock with him gaining a new look, and showing how serious she was.*

"You know Bret, any normal person I probably would of said goodbye to by now. But you there is something different about you. You have made me happy and showed me that not all guys are jerks. Your different and I love it. So answer to you Bret is...let elope right now, grab some of your cloths money, head to my house grab some of my cloths and money and go. "

*A smile spreads across Charlotte face as she talks. As her eyes dance, taking controll of things once again, acting on a whim, and just doing it because.*

"Than they wont be able to find you tomorrow either...and if we have to keep running we will...but as long as we are together I wont mind. I'd risk being hurt, as long as I new you would be there to keep me safe and help me get better."

*Charlotte continues to hold Bret's hand tightening her grip for just a moment. She was nervous about what she was to say next. The three letter word she never used with anyone before. But Bret, oh Bret she new it was true for sure.*

"Bret your the first guy I ever said this to but I mean it when I say to you...I love you...So lets go right now."

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