
Did You

*For a moment Charlotte's heart stops as the coin was flipped. Revealing that it was heads her head sinks just a little. She really wanted to go and run away. Sure some people would be upset but it was worth it and it was her own life after all. As Bret turns and speaks again going against the coin Charlotte heart starts to race once again. Hearing that he loved her back and didn't want to be without her anymore made her feel even better.

Leaning into Bret, Charlotte smiles and brings her lips to his. Exchanging a kiss of passion that showed how happy she was. Pulling away she smiles back at him as her eyes still were lit up.*

"I'll run home and grab some cloths, and stuff we will need than I'll be back. You can drive or I can drive its ok. While I'm home I'll call work too."

*Charlotte brings her hand to the side of Bret's faces and runs the thumb over his cheek.*

"Thank you for making me happy Bret."

*Misty listens to Jason as he explained the whole situation. She felt bad for Jason and Katie both. They had been through so much already and continued to go through more. Would they ever get a break? Taking a sip of her iced coffee Misty finally speaks.*

"Yeah know, the whole Scott passing away thing could of been the straw that broke the camles back. I mean yes this whole thing is horrable, tragic and probely hard for Katie to deal with. But I mean...maybe she had so much other stuff on her mind that this just pushed her over the edge. "

*Misty stops for a moment collecting her thoughts and taking another sip of her drink before she speaks again.*

"You know, it could be to that Katie dosn't want to be alone but that she thinks she should be so she dosnt have to put anymore stress on anyone alse. It's possable that Katie knows she is deep in depression and just dosnt know how to get out. So insted of bringing everyone down with her, she just disapeared. Just don't be to hard on her..."

*Misty reaches out and gives Jason's hand a small pat and smiles. Than changed to subject back to what Jason had asked. Giving him a small kick under the table for his comment.*

"I really like Kyle. He's a sweet guy who can make anyone laugh. I like hanging out with and well...He's a good kisser too."

*Looking down at her drink for a minute Misty's cheeks turn a slight color.*

"I think we are in between hanging out and searouse. I mean I'd like to say we are but I don't really know where Kyle stands we havnt really talked about it. It kind of just is what it is."

*Misty own eyes twinkle for a momnet as she gets a mischeavous grin on her face.*

"What about you? Did you get a chanse to tell Katie you loved her still?"

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