

Bret returns Charlotte's kiss, his eyes starting to light up. He was scared, but...this time around, he had more confidence that things would work out.

He leans into her hand a little, offering a thin smile. "I don't know what I do...it should be me thanking you instead."

Straightening up, he glances at the clock. "Well you get scooting then. By the time you get back, I'll be ready."

Misty's words made sense. Jason didn't like it, but it was logical nonetheless. Katie had been through so much lately...part of it was his own fault, part of it was just stupid chance and life itself. No matter the cause though, she'd been through more than anyone should have to face, and it wasn't fair. It was no wonder she was having a hard time moving on.

He just wished...there was something he could do. But how could he, when Katie had deliberately pushed him away? And how could he, without jeopardizing the relationship they currently had? He didn't want to offer more than he was willing to give, but he didn't want to give her nothing either. And why did this have to be so hard?

Jason gives a little sigh. "Yeah...I know. I guess I'm a little upset that she's locked me out, but...I suppose you're right. Knowing her, she thinks she's being too much of a burden or something. Which... obviously she shouldn't, but... I've tried convincing her other times otherwise, and it hasn't worked too well."

As the subject changes, and he receives a kick under the table, his smile only grows. Misty's explanation though, makes him cringe and laugh. "Aw, you did NOT have to tell me he was a good kisser. That is TOO much information."

He shakes his head and works on his drink, listening and nodding. "Yeah, I figured as much. Kyle seems to be pretty happy lately though." He tosses Misty a wink. "But I don't think I'm gonna go asking him about this - I've just learned plenty."

With the slight pause, Jason lets the subject drop, just thinking for a moment. Misty's question though, brings his eyes and head back up quickly and he blinks. Holding his composure well, he quirks an eyebrow. "Who says I love her? That was a long time ago."

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