

*Wes smiles at Cindy and gives her alittle squeeze.* " You need to do what you think it best for you." *Wes hold Cindy and enjoys the time he has had with her.* " Ya know Cindy. Even if you go home, I'd still like to see you. Maybe I could come out on the weekends and spend sometime. I know its a long drive but it would be worth it. Now that I have Clint helping me out in the shop too. I dont have to worry as much about work not geting done. I would only come if you wanted me to though." *Wes smiles down at Cindy his eyes dancing.*

*Katie nods to Wyatt relizing she has drawn attachen to herself.* "Yes I would like that please." *After geting in the car and heading for Wyatts place Katie turns her head slightly to him again.* "I'm sorry Wyatt. I really am." *As she rids along in silence her body starts to relaxe. Though she can still feel Jason in danger, she is in a calmer state. Having Wyatt with her brang her comfort knowing everything would be ok."

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