
Are you ok?

*Angel swallows hard still in shock from seeing Trent.*

"I have to addmit, I am leary but its good to see you and know your alive."

*Angel looks down at her hand a small smile on er face just at the thought of Luck nd her geting married. Looking back up at Trent she knows this must be hard on him but she can not hide the fact she is to be married and to her best friend.*

"The one who had all ways been there for me, when I dident exspect it he took me by saprise. My best friend Luke."

*Angel wants to get to know whats been going on with Trent more over the years but dosent know how to ask or where to start. How do you catch up with someone you lothe for so long because of there betrayel. How do your forgive and try to look past the falts of someone who you once cared for more than the world only to have them make the world crash around you.

Feeling the tention highten in the room but not sure what to ask her brother next she gives a nod to Sparky in case he has anything to say.*

*Misty smile at Scott while she checks his blood pressure and check his stiches making sure they looked good.*

"We are giving you 2 differnt ones and thats probley why you feel like your floating. We are giving you a weak form of Morphine and a strong form of Opioids. Opioids will help with pain and to keep infections away. From here on out we will be giving you just the Opioids for at leats a weak no longer than that though cuz it can be habbit forming. Though be warned your going to be quite loopy and high feeling, but it is a must."

*Misty goes back to the counter and grabs a saringe. Preping it and going back to Scott.*

The funny thing about breakups is they point out what we didn't even know we had, but don't give us the option of going back into battle armed with that knowledge.

*Katie sits up in bed as her tears have stoped for now and she hears her phone let off a beep reminding her she had a voice mail from earlyer today. Going to her purse she pulls out her phone and listens about Scott.*

"Oh no."

*Grabing her jacket Katie heads out of her room slowly and to her car making her way to TJY. She new there was a chanse she would see Jason but its better to fall off a horse and get back up, than to stay away forever. Katie was felling like crap, her eyes were puffy, and her heart hurt. But she had to see how Scott was and get her mind off her pain.*

I can embrace myself, hold my own hand, love me - but I can't gaze into my own eyes and feel my own soul lift me up.

*Nate leads the way to a small quiet coffee shop finding a table that is tucked away from listing ears. Once he gets a coffee for himself and Jason gets some OJ Nate pulls out a few paper. Looking up for a moment he studys Jason. He feels compation for his young friend.*

"It hurts alot dosent is Hotshot? Its ok if it does. That how you know its real and your still alive. It gets easyer."

*Nate thinks for a long moment relizing Jason could up and leave at any moment but felt compelled to talk anyways.*

"Jason, I dont want to over step my bounds so i will only say this once unless you bring it up to me again. But I understand breakups are hard, and hurt alot. There is alot you dont know about me. But I have been where you are before shut down, lost and alone. I pushed two important people out of my life. One I got back and the other I dident. It took my sister almost dieing to snap me back to the real word and bring me out of my emotionaless state."

*Nate stops for a moment remembing the past.*

"Your gonna be ok Jason, and when you end up feeling again its going to be great. Just dont shut down to much ok. You have friend who care and will see you through. I'm here for you if ou need a friend."

*Taking a sip of his coffee Nate looks down at the papers and than back at Jason.*

"So now, we need to know why the Agency would want to take Mick as the first step, and where would they take him. You have been to the ranch in Texas and got to know them. Do you have any idea?"

The dark of night does not come after the golden glow of the day's sun but before it.

*Katie enters TJY and makes her way to the infermary. Opening the door slowly she steps inside and smiles at Misty.

Misty smiles as she see Katie.*

Katie: How is he?

Misty: I just gave him another dose a painkillers so he might be alittle out of it, your more than welcme to talk with him though. I'll leave you both be.

*Misty exits the room and makes her way back to Ricks office.

Katie makes her way to Scott side smile down at Domino. Once drawing closer Katie smiles at Scott.*

"Hey you. How ya feeling?"

Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.

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