

*BJ crawls into Rosetta's lap as she sits down exspecting it was time for breakfest now. Rosetta looks down at him and than back at Trent and the others. She new this conversation was going to get heated and fast. Rosetta might be happy to see her brother but questions linger, and distrust was still here and this conversation was no place for someone so small. Looking to the kitchen Rosetta see Wendy geting a glass of juice.*

"Wendy, can you do me a favor and take BJ outside for alittle bit?"

*Wendy comes out of the kitchen with her glass and looks around the room than back to Rosetta.*


*Going over to BJ she reaches out her hand to him smiling.*

"Hey little man. Want to help me brush the horses and you can brush your pony?"

*BJ perks up and jumps off Rosetta's lap taking Wendy's hand.*

"Ya, I wont to hwelp you."

*Rostta nods a thank you as BJ and Wendy make there way outside. Looking around the room She repeats what Sparky had already asked.*

"So, what are you doing there? I know you said you wanted to make a statment of sorry, and you hurd about Mick...but...I guess we want to know more."

*Angel stands in disbelief at Austin's news of Trent.*

"Tre....Trents here? but...why? I dont understand! Why..."

*So many thoughts, memories, feeling run through Angel. She wasent sure what one she should focus on. She hadent seen Trent in so long.*

"Why is he here? Where is he?"

*Misty looks to Rick noding in satisfaction at there work. When the tooth is mentioned Misty thinks for a moment.*

"I'm not dentise but I can take a look and see what I can do."

*Misty rigs it so that Scott's mouth stays open and she takes a look at the jagged peace of tooth sticking out. Pushing on it alittle Misty notices its a bit loose. Taking one of the scalples that was stairalized she makes a small cut in Scott's jaw having more room and losening the tooth more. Than tanking small plyers she tugs on the tooth making not it wont come free yet. Making another insition on the other side Misty pulls on the tooth again till it finally comes out roots and all. Taking a needle and thread Misty makes 4 stickes to fix up Scott and steps back.*

"All set. He should be alttle less misrable now."

*Katie sits up and turns her music off. Her mind was clear and she new the path she had to choose. It wasent going to be easy, and it was going to hurt alot but Katie new she had to. Pulls out her phone knowing what she had to do. It was going to be the hard but she new it was the right thing. Dialing Jason’s number Katie waits to hear his sweet voice that greeted her so many times before.*

"Hey Jason, It’s Katie. If you’re not busy can you meet me down by the beach in a half hour? You know the place. Ok see ya."

*As Katie hangs up the phone she lets out a tired sigh a tear rolling down her cheek.*

"Lord give me strength and let me know this is right."

~*~20 Min Later~*~

*Katie parks her car getting out. She is there before Jason. Katie scans the beach images entering her mind of before Jason went to prison. There first kiss, how they just sat that night in the moonlight letting the moment go on. Another tear escapes Katie’s eye. It hadn’t been that long ago but everything seemed so much easier than. Leaning aganst her hood Katie leans back to look up at the sky and wait.*

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