
Heart Breaking

*Angel's eyes fill with a suddon emotion. She wasent sure how to feel. She was happy, sad, and upset. It was so long ago when Angel loved and had feeling for Trent and than he betrayed them all. It hurt Angel so bad just thinking about it made her tummy knot. Angel looks back to Austin grabing her jacket, A bit of anger in her eyes, yet compation.*

"Take me to him. I want to hear what he has to say."

*Rosetta looks around the room at everyone alse. She isent even sure how to act or what to think. Her mind races with so many things.*

"Its hard Trent. Some of us are happy to see you, and some oh us wish probley you dident come. after all these years and everything you did its hard, and you cant just walk back into that trust."

*Rosetta looks around the room again her eyes meet Sparky.*

"We have forgiven people for so much more, but they have all earned that trust back. Its a long hard road and you will be watched like a hawl. But if everyone is willing..and I do mean EVERYONE at this ranch that is apart of this...."

*Angel enters the mess hall slowly, her eyes around the room till they finally find Trent. Swallowing hard she just stairs at him for a long while. He had changed alot but he still had those eyes that gave away who he was. Angel can feel her body tense feelings flooding back to her. IN a horse whisper Angel speaks.*


"Hey Clint...can you help me with that coutch today so Cindy and I have something to sit on at the ho......"

*Wes words are cut short as he enters the mess hall and feels the atmisphear change. Looking around face his eyes rest on the new commer. Not sure who he is but seeing Rosetta next to him it couldent be denyed. He looked differnt but they still had the same face. For a minute Wes just stands there, a bit of Anger and siftrust lingering.*

"Whats he doing here?"

*As Misty hears Scott call for Rick she jumps up and goes to him. Checking to make sure everything is ok.*

"Hey Scott its Misty. Try not to move to much ok. Dont need you ripping your stiches. Can I do something for you?"

*Katie can feel Jason draw near to her and she stands. Her heart heavy. What was to come she dident want to but it was and there was no stoping it.*

Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark, For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart.To weave by picking up the pieces that remain. Melodies of life - love's lost refrain.

"You said when you got out you wanted to go to the beach again with me. This is the first chance we have gotten."

*Katie turns her head and nods down the beach.*

"That’s where it all started. When you said you shared my feelings and you gave me my first real kiss from you. I was so happy and so were you."

*For a moment Katie reflects on her feeling again, and her memories. Katie lets out a long sad sigh.*

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why,We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said good-bye. And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told? Let them ring out loud till they unfold. In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me.Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name.

"I’ll always love the J you once were.. But the man I loved got lost somewhere in prison. A portion of my heart will always belong to that man and it hurts more than you would ever know to know he is not around right now. All I can do it hope and pray you will find who you are again and hope I can be the friend to help you. So when another girl comes along….you can love her and not push her away."

*Tears streak down Katie face as her heart breaks.*

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. Adding up the layers. And so it goes, on and on. Melodies of life. To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and beyond.

"If I would have known when I first met you my heart would be breaking right now, I would do nothing different and would have loved you anyways. You're one of the best parts of my life. I helped you with alot and you helped me with alot to weather you know it or not. I’ll hold the memories of us in my heart always Jason and I hope you can do the same and still be my friend. I’ll always be here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need someone to laugh with…."

So far and away, see the bird as it flies by, gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky. I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings. Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings.

*Katie sucks in a breath trying to stop herself from crying. This hurt so much her heart, it was breaking. Shattering into a million peaces. She loved Jason and she had to let go. Would there paths cross again and would they become more than friend Katie dident know. Time was the only one who could tell that story.*

"…I’ll always know you better than you know yourself. I’ll always be looking out for you and right around the corner to be your hero, I'll always be hero. The only difference will be my title will be friend."

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me? Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind? A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. Adding up the layers. And so it goes, on and on. Melodies of life. To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and on.

*Katie throws her arm around Jason giving him a strang embrace. This hug drove Katie's heart to break even more as she hold on feeling this very well might be the last hug that has this much feeling and emotion behind it. Gently Katie gives Jason a kiss on the lips. The last for a long time to come. Katie cant controll her emotions anymore as she dras away from Jason the tears start to fall even more from her eyes and her voice quivers as she wimpers alittle bit.*

"Thank you J for letting me love you. I'll never regert love or knowing you. You mean so much to me. I'm....sorry."

If should I leave this lonely world behind. Your voice will still remember our melody. Now I know we'll carry on. Melodies of life. Come circle round and grow deep in out hearts, as long as we remember our Melodies of life.

*Not being able to take it anymore and on the verge of totally breaking down Katie turns around and heads back to her car car geting in and starts her drive for home not looking back for fear of turing back and running to the one she loved the most. Keeping her eyes on the road Katie's mind races a million miles a minute.

Once she is home she says nothing but just heads to her room shutting the door behind her and let tears out as she sits on her bed. Her sobs her crys rang through the house, but Katie dident care. This was more pain than she even felt before. Today was the hardest thing Katie ever had to do. Her heart aked and hurt more than anything in the world. She still truly loved and cared for Jason, but now it was time to let go so they could both be free and find what they has lost. Katie burys her face into her pillow and just crys. She felt lost, she felt alone. A chunk of her heart was missing.*

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. Adding up the layers. And so it goes, on and on.Melodies of life. To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and on....

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