
Showed up

A look of fear passes through Scott’s eyes at Misty tells him what’s going on. He opens his mouth to protest, but she beats him to it.

He swallows hard, trying to get past his fear, Misty’s words hitting him below the belt. “It doesn’t look like I’ve got much choice,” he relents.

Rick throws a grin in Misty’s direction. He wouldn’t have thought of using Katie to get Scott to cooperate. “Alright, you two…we need to get this over and done as soon as possible, so let’s get this thing rolling. Scott, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

As preparations are made, Rick moves into his office for several minutes. Finding out Katie has left, he picks up the phone and dials her cell phone. Waiting, he finally reaches her voice mail. “Katie, it’s Rick. No emergencies. I just wanted to let you know that Scott’s gonna have a bit of surgery here today after Misty made a discovery that led to us realizing he’d got a chipped rib. Anyway, just thought you might want to know…if you don’t come back today, tomorrow he should still be in the infirmary. Talk to you later.”

It’s not much later that Scott is out and Rick and Misty are able to work. Under the lights, Rick searches for several moments, appreciating Misty’s hands to help. Finally he gives a satisfactory not and draws out the piece of bone that was causing all the trouble. “Aha…there we are.”

After making sure there were no other pieces, Rick moves to stitch up the incision. Once finished, he looks to Misty. “Since he’s out already, do you think we can go in and take a look at that tooth of his? I hadn’t wanted to do it before just because I didn’t think he’d let me, not to mention I’m no dentist. Do you have any experience in that department?”

As Sparky sees BJ and receives Rosetta’s request, he relaxes a little, letting his hand stray from his side to lower the threat.

Trent slowly lets his arms down, just staring at BJ. Who was this little boy? He clung to Rosetta as a child would to his mother… His eyes lift to Rosetta’s, full of question. Before he can say anything though, Wendy walks past.

Trent’s jaw drops, his eyes widening. There was no doubt in his mind who this was. But to see her now…grown up…a young woman… His voice comes out as a whisper. “Wendy…”

Sparky quirks an eyebrow, just a tad surprised that Trent would even remember the name, let alone care. “Alright…the mess hall…now… the visitors are done with their breakfast, so we can talk.” He gestures with his head towards the door, remaining behind Trent in case anything happened.

Trent numbly obeys and follows Jeff who enters the mess hall first. He had assumed he would find more than Rosetta here…but he didn’t understand why so many others were around. He’d been kept from all information on them for the years he’d been at the Agency, and when not with them, he’d dared no research of his own. All he’d heard was that Mick had been here, then had been taken, and that was the extent of his knowledge.

Entering the mess hall, he’s directed to a chair a the nearest table, and sits down, his shoulders sloped, his eyes to the floor. He knew an interrogation was to come.

Sparky remains standing, looking to Rosetta. He wanted to pounce on Trent, but out of respect, did not. He would let her lead this one.

Austin hangs back from the group as they enter the mess hall, and looks towards Angel’s office. Contemplating for a moment, he decides to go to her. It might be better than walking in on the scene inside and having that kind of shock, and Angel could come to the mess hall at any time.

Arriving at the office, he knocks and waits. Once the door is answered, he looks at Angel, not knowing exactly how to tell her this. “Um, Angel…there’s…someone who just arrived. We don’t know anything yet about why, or even whose side he’s on, but…” He swallows hard. “It’s um…” Pausing, again, he sighs. He had to tell her. He couldn’t keep her in the dark – not when Trent was just yards away, able to be seen at any given moment. “It’s Trent, Angel. He just showed up.”

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