

*Angel's eyes dont break Trent's. He was really there infront of them. It had been so long, It had been so hard. What does she say, what does she do. A part of her was scaired, and a part of her was hurting seeing him again. Taking a step closer Angel nods.*

"Ya I'm still here. This is my home I could never leave. After all these years you came back.....I...dont understand."

*Angel's eyes search Trents. Time had took its tole on him but even through that Angel could see the old Trent. A suddon pain is in her heart she wanted to hug him but resisted. Things where not like old times, nor could they ever be. Angel had moved on, found new love and wouldent dair break it. She had found where she belonged and who she loved now. Even if Trent was in front of her. Trent.....yes...Trent.....Trent.*

*Wes folds his arms across his chest and moves to where Sparky is ready to pounce at any wrong movie. Closly he watches Angel and Treat.*

*Misty moves to the sink and fills a paper cup with water. Going back over to Scott Misty slowly helps him up.*

"You look good for someone who had two sergarys. Your tooth shouldent be bothering you anymore eather. I took that ou for ya."

*Misty smiles at him.*

"How do you think your feeling?"

*Nate looks up at Jason taking note to his bloodshot eyes. Jason had been crying that much Nate could tell. There would be only one reson why Jason would cry and Nate new it. Standing Nate puts an arm around his young friends shoulder.*

"How about we grab something to eat or at least some coffee and we can talk about the next move we make with Mick. I'd like your help. Your one of the best brains here."

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