

*Damien listens intently to Mick.* "Ya sure thats fine. When did you want to do this so I can head over."

*Rosetta catches Mick's eye and nods standing. She puts her hand on BJ shoulder.* "Hey hun...This is Annie. She and Mick are Sam's brother and sister."

*BJ looks at Annie than to Rosetta his eyes start to well.* "How come Ann looksh like Sham if its not her."

*Rosetta puts her arms around BJ as his eyes fill.* " Cuz alot of times family look alike. Come on Lets play with your trucks some more."

*BJ sniffs and follows Rosetta turning back to look at Annie.*

*As Annie looks at Rosetta and BJ, a certen look pass through both there eyes and they look alike for a moment. Annie thinks for a long moment but than lets the though go heading into the kitchen to get some coffee.*

*Wendy re reads the information.* "Well it says here that Sam, Mick and Annie triplet was taken like everyone alse. but the differnct with her was the Agency kept her and dident give her up." *Wendy ready alittle more.* "It says they had a special plane for her. but than there is a gap. I dont know if we can dig father and see what alse we can find our not."

~*~ Back at TJY ~*~

*Katie listens intently to Con making sure not to miss anything.* "Ok Con thx. Be talking to you again soon." *After Katie hangs up the phone she heads into Reese's office. and relays everything to him Con has told her. Trying to break down all the information in her own mind as well.*

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