

*Rosetta looks up from the book she is reading BJ and see JT. Puting the book down Rosetta takes BJ's hand.* "Come on BJ we are next. Rosetta looks at Mick and Angel with question to see they are coming too."

*Angel looks up.* "I'll wait here for now I dont want it to look saspish us having all of us go in there. At least with you and Mick it looks like a mom and dad taking there son in. JT can give me the low down after."

*Rosetta nods and escorts BJ into the room giving JT a small hug.* "Thx JT." *Rosetta helps BJ up onto the examing table.* "BJ this is a friend of ours his name is JT. And JT this is BJ."

*BJ looks up at JT his eyes big showing he is slightly scaired.* " Rosey are you and Mic going to stay with me?"

*Rosetta smiles at BJ giving a slight giggle at the nickname he gave her while trying to say her name.* "Sure we are bud. You have nothing to worry about ok. JT is a good guy and he is going to look you over to make sure your not sick or anything."

*BJ looks back to JT with question on his face.* "Do you know where Sham is?"

*Rosetta puts her arms around BJ as her heart breaks. Sam must of had a goodside to her somewhere to have been able to build such a strong and loving relationship with this small boy. So many questions were unanswered about Sam. Not even knowing if any of them would even be answered.*

~*~In Wyatt's Car~*~

*Katie slowly turns her eyes and looks at Wyatt giving a smile. Her own eyes being hiddon. Maybe that was a good thing. Katie watches Wyatt for a long time holding her smile. She felt good. This had been the first time since she got here that everything felt right. Turning to looks out the window once again as TJY comes into view Katie lets out a contect sigh. Maybe she had made the right choise after all.*

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