
New Day

*After eating Pizza and chating a bit with Laura Katie yawns and decieds its time to hit the hay exsausted from the day. After going upstairs and taking her shows she sits down on the edgh of the bed.*

"You've Got Mail."

*Katie looks up as her laptop imforms her she has a new mail. Wondering what it is Katie goes over to her desk and sits down opening up her mail. Reading the letter from Jade, Katie sighs. Opening a blank page Katie writes back. { Dear Jade. Dont worry about it. Its not your fault. I'm glad you guys are happy. Thats what is important. Everything at TJY is great. I love it here. So far its fun. Well I better get to bed. Take care. -Katie} After sending the email Kait closes her laptop and heads to bed. ready for another busy day at TJY tomarrow.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Before BJ falls asleep Rosetta puts a nightlight into the room for BJ, along with a glass of water on the dresser, and fresh sheets. As BJ gets into bed Rosetta smiles at him.* "GoodNight Bud." *Feeling the erge to stay in the mess hall Rosetta knows he will be safe with Mick. Rosetta gives Mick a kiss and smiles.* " If you need me you know where I am." *Turning and leaving Rosetta heads to the house.*

*After much more researching Wendy is coming up with nothing. Leting out a long sigh she decieds its time to head to bed. Smile at Clint and leting him know she will see him in the morning Wendy makes her way to bed.*

*As BJ snuggles into the bed he holds Mr. Snuggles tight. After the door is shut BJ looks around the room for a long while. IT was strange and herd to fall alseep in a new place. How he missed Sam.*

*As the night drags on the fire flys dance across the fields, lake and yards. The owls hoot, and crickets churp signaling spring is here. The moon shines bright in the sky throws shadows in the windoes across the ranch. The horses softly neeh in the barn as some sleep, and some softly stir. As if night will never end the sun finally starts to peek over the harizon chasing away the dark signaling today was a new day. The ranch starts to come to life as everyone wakes ready to start the new day. Most head to the mess hall wanting and needing coffee to help keep them awake.*

~*~Back at Laure's~*~

*Katie streches as her alarm goes off. Crawling out of bed she shuts it off and heads into the bathroom to take a shower and wake up. After Katie is dressed and ready she heads downstairs. Relizing Laura is not awake yet Katie starts to make Omlets for the both of them. Along with tost and Hashbrowns.*

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