
Over and over and over

"I thought Jeff was at home."

Rick looks up quickly to see Reese in the doorway. "What?"

"I thought he was home." It's evident that Reese is telling the truth. "I gave him a job to do, then it was over and I didn't hear from him so I thought he was home. He wasn't?"

"Apparently not." Rick is now even more confused. "Where were you, Jeff, hmm?"

Jeff tries to open his eyes. His brain seemed to understand the words being asked, but it was hard making everything register. "Um... the Agency... I think... I can't remember." He stops to swallow and lick his dry lips. He gives Katie's hand a weak squeeze. "Angel... she knows..." His voice is still so quiet. "...she has my records... what the medication was. It... it at least helped with, um..." He frowns, trying to think of the right word as he feels lethargic. "...symptoms."

Leo grins as he slides in behind the wheel of his car, then takes off once Ryan is with him. "Hmm... we could do burgers. That's quick and easy. Or... we could take an extra long lunch for the fun of it since Darrell isn't around, and drive up to the fast food joint up by the lake."

He tosses Ryan a sidelong glance as he drives. "I was thinking maybe we could go to a movie tomorrow..." He was testing his limits and he knew it. But he wanted to know if Ryan would want to do more with him than just eat lunch and hang out at the street races. He knew he wanted to.

Dani stifles a giggle as Dalton stumbles over his words, and she tries to figure out what on earth he's saying, or trying to say. "Um... sure. The lake sounds great. I could even pack a picnic lunch if you want... sandwiches? And I could make some potato salad - at least Carson says it's edible." She grins. "Maybe around noon? Meet you there?"

Mick pulls Rosetta into another hug. Running his fingers through her hair. She was worn out. He didn't want her to have to travel anymore now.

"How about you call Trent and see if he's left Nevada yet? If he hasn't, have him stick around there and see how bad things really are. I'm not sure he's in that big of a hurry to get back here at the moment."

Bret grins and looks at the picture of Charlotte that was taped to his dashboard. He loved hearing her voice cheering him on. He and Landon had been racing together for months now, but only in trial runs and practices. Landon had been in several races lately, but with schedules and car malfunctions, this was the first time both were able to get on the track. The excitement never died. It only grew as the race drew to its halfway mark.

"Landon, quit fooling around," Kirk barks. "Get in here."

"I can make it one more lap."

"Sterling, watch your tail."

Bret checks his mirror. "Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna move up to fourth in about ten seconds."

"Ride neck 'n neck, man," Landon calls. "I'm waiting' for ya. Show me what you got!"

"Landon, no playing," Kirk warns. "Bring her in the pit, come on."

Landon ignores him as he sees Bret pull up beside him. "Wooee, pardner! You think you can get ahead of me?"

"Let him go," Kirk directs. "Sterling, take over."

Landon knew to trust Kirk, so he backs off. Bret starts to come around, but suddenly another car is whipping around in front of him. A curse slips out. "Where did he come from?! He just about took off my bumper, the idiot!"

"Keep it cool."

"I'm getting boxed in."

Landon looks around wildly. "Sterling, where'd you go?"

"Riding your tail, buddy. See if you can pull around this guy."

"Engine's getting hot. I missed my window. Kirk, I gotta come in before this baby gives out."

Kirk automatically nods. "We got time. Landon, bring her in. Sterling, take over."

"Right." Bret keeps his eyes ahead, his adrenaline pumping. "Come on, baby, come on."

Suddenly, the other car swerves. The driver tries to take back control, but in the process, he sideswipes Landon's car. Already overdue for a pitstop, Landon's car gives a lurch before a front tire blows. His frantic yell comes over the mic as he starts to spin out of control.

Kirk tries to direct them. "Whoa, whoa whoa, get out of there. Gun her to the middle! Sterling, watch it!"

Too late. In a moment of horror, Bret's eyes see Landon's spinning car directly in front of him. He tries to swerve, but another car to his right doesn't give. The brakes stop his tires, leaving smoking black marks on the track. Sweat runs down his face and his heart pounds in his head. He only has time to blink before impact. "Charlotte-"

A gut-wrenching collision sends both cars careening down the track. Landon's car skids down into the center, the engine suddenly exploding in a column of flame and smoke.

Bret's car rolls over and over and over. Another car hits him like a pinball machine, sending the car crashing over a short wall before finally coming to a stop.

"Landon! Sterling!" No response. Kirk throws off his headset and starts to move. The medic van was already on its way.

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