
Wast Time

Still holding Jeff's hand Katie forced a smile to form on her face even if his eyes were closed she only wanted the good feels to flow and give Jeff the happy vibes.

"You, mean? Thats certainly not true. You have always been the funny one and the one to keep the smile, and hope alive for us all. Don't worry Uncle Jeff they are going to make you better. They have to."

Letting out a small quiet sigh Katie looks up as Rick comes up behind her laying a hand on her shoulder. Thinking for a long moment about his question Katie searchs her brain trying to think what her Uncle could of ment.

"A while ago he use to be sick all the time. It was just part of his normal day to day life. We use to make him cards and call him all the time. Uncle Jeff took some meds that helped make him more comfortable but I dont know what it was."

Katie looks back to Jeff as she runs a hand over the side of his face gently whipping away the beads of sweat.

"Than when the family all got there computer chips removed he got better. I...find out from Reese where Jeff was, and maybe we can find out what happened again."

Giving a shake of her head and a roll of her eyes Ryan throws a dirty rag at Leo before going back to what she was working on. The last few days had been busy and not much room for some fun time. Only real free time she had was with the racing she did, and thats where she saw Leo and the other most. But now she just wanted some one on one time...

...Looking up once again as Leo's voice was heard Ryan gave a half cocked smile as she set her tools down and crawled from under the car.

"You really dont wast any time do you?"

Taking the rag from her back pocket and whiping her hands off before laying it over the car Ryan looks to the other.

"Going out for lunch you guys want anything?"

Getting there requests or there deny for food Ryan looked back to Leo giving him a slight shove.

"Well lets go already we dont have all day you know, since your driving you pick where we eat."

Leaning back in his chair Dalton starred at his computer screen trying to figure out a program. He wished Scott was around so he could ask about it but no luck.

Hearing the phone ring he grabs it and answers it expecting it to be Reese or someone else needing something. But to his surprise the sweet sounding voice on the other end was not Reese. Relizing it was Dani a smile made its way to Dalton's face as he leans back a little more in his chair. Leaning a little to far back in the chair a sick cracking sound arises as the chair breaks slightly. Almost going head over heals with the chair Dalton regains balance and stands right.

"Whoa....ah...I mean...yes a walk. Lucky me...I mean yes I am lucky that you have...tomarrow I have tomarrow off. Yes! Place? Oh yes right...well I can pick you up tomarrow and I was thinking maybe we could go down to the lake and take a few trails there. Unless maybe you like someplace better?"

Charlotte can't help the excitement that races through her as she watches the race. She had been to many practices but now this was the real thing and there was just something differnt about it. The want to win, the excitment, the fans cheering it was all so much hype.

"Go babe, GO!!"

Looking up at Mick Rosetta's eyes were bloodshot. She wanted to go to her brother but thinking for a long moment she had been gone alot this month and had hardly seen BJ. Was it really fair to him?

"I want to go, but I have other obligations and I have been gone so much this month as it is BJ and you have hardly even seen me. Its not fair to you both."

Looking down at her hands Rosetta let out a long sigh. She was getting to old for this, and she new it. When would things be ok again.

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