

Looking back at Mick Rosetta's eyes filled with tears. She was now mad, she was upset and hurt. All her fears she had pushed away where now unfolding and it hurt so bad all she wanted to do was throw up.

"And I guess I cant expect you to feel how I do, because you have been the only one I ever had so there is no second place for you to take."

Throwing the towel she had been holding Rosetta makes her way to where Mick was standing. Leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek she moves past him but stops before she even new it the words on her mind were spoken.

"If you leave tomorrow before you come back you better consider if you really wanted to be part of this family or if all we are is the consolation prize."

Heading down the hallway small sobs follow Rosetta as she heads to the bathroom before bed.

"But if you dig up enough it could trigger memories that will help you."

Standing from the ledge Bree lets out a small tired sigh as she looks through the telescope and than back at Gunner and shakes her head.

"Would you get down from there before you break your neck please? Than I will be out of a job, in jail and a man friend. All three horrable combanations."

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