

Feeling her own defense rise at the tone from Mick becomes harsher than she wanted to even get to. But hearing BJ's name thrown into the mix made her defence go off even more.

"So what now we compare the kids? The issue here is not thats its Dylan, the issue is that you should be taking care of the family in front of you own two eyes before you go running off to be the hero, and be the hero to the little boy in the other room that loves you more than anything in the world because your the father he has even known."

Rosetta stands and heads out of the living room into the kitchen. She felt shaky and her stomach was still doing flip flops. She hated fighting, she hated the arguing and the way it made her feel.

"How do you think it makes me feel to see you go running off when you cant do anything more than they already are doing? The Elite will do what they can, and if you go you will sit with them and wait when you can do that here."

Giving a small smile as Gunner sat down next to her Bree gave a chuckle. It wasnt often she talked about her past but when she did sometimes it was nice to make a joke out of it. It hurt less.

"I always wanted to forget my childhood. Maybe we can switch places sometime?!"

Bree nudges Gunner playful like. Stoping and just leaning into him a little listing to what he said.

" You dont have to go through remember alone anymore eather if you dont want. I can travil down the road with you. The past is nothing to be scared of, it brought you to who you are today and that is whats important.."

Bringing her hand to the side of Gunner's face Bree rubs off a little bit of dirt that founds its way there more than likely from the telescope. Her eyes still twinkling in the moon light she chuckled.

"Right now, at this moment your a great guy. Thats what matters who you are today. Your my favor vamp."

Thinking for a moment Bree quirt quirking an eyebrow.

"Actully, your my only vamp."

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