

Mick thinks for a long moment, his mind going in a thousand directions. "I can't just have someone else out there searching... I can't just stand back and not be involved."

He finds Rosetta's eyes again. "I don't want to ask the impossible of you but... I have to help find Dylan. If it's the Agency, he won't survive very long. If it is them, the only reason can be to get to me... and if I'm the one they want, they'll just make things worse until something breaks. I have to go... I have to find him."

Gunner studies the stars and smiles a little. "Yeah... yeah, I don't want to give her up. But I don't really want to move either. I haven't been there that long and it's 'bout the only place I could afford." He shrugs. "What will be, will be."

After a quiet moment, he suddenly points to the sky. "Hey, did you see that shooting star? It just went right across your palm." He laughs. "Hope it didn't hurt."

Axel nods, mentally going through any plans. His schedule was quieter than ever, being out of work. "Sounds good to me." Taking a piece of paper and nearby pen, he jots down his cell phone number. "Just give me a call whenever you want me back in, or tell Carson - you know I see him at Bible study every week."

Standing up, he looks at Misty, grateful. "Thank you. No matter what the outcome, I appreciate your willingness to help."

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