

*Katie smile prosiest on her face as Jason runs his finger down her noise.*

"Well I guess your my Hero this time for getting the left overs that was on my face."

*As Katie goes to her up, she feels a sudden surge of an emotion than is suddenly snuffed out quickly. Looking down as Jason her eyes search his, falling into there mysterious gaze that lasted a life time. Suddenly an emotion, one that Katie had worked so hard to bury rises again. Shifting just a little bit Katie moves her weaght off Jason so he can breath. Leaning her head down Katie brings her face close to Jason's once again. Her lips inches from his, her emotions, her heart racing, her breath reflecting off his skin, but insted of her lips kiss Jason something stops her and they brush the side of his cheek as she just rests her face aganst his fighting her urge to kiss, the lips she once held as her own. Whisperng softly as her mind sends out a differnt emotions saying How I've missed this, and you. An emotion she dident mean to let free but let slip.*

"I...better get going."

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