

Never before having ever experienced anything like this, Kyle numbly follows Misty’s guidance, sitting up, trying to drink some water, and lying back down again. The feeling that surged through him was unexplainable. It felt as though his whole body was at war. For an instant, every single muscle in his body hurt before they relaxed again.

Finally having emptied his stomach, Kyle’s head sinks back down into the pillow his eyes closed, the sweat running down his face. His breathing was rapid and shallow as for several more minutes he fights a painful cough.

He feels the cool cloth on his face and swallows hard, just soaking in the coldness as it combats the risen temperature.

Caught somewhere between reality and a world where nothing made sense, Kyle’s eyes flutter open, then shut again as he tries to make sense of what’s going on. He wants to wake up to know what's happening, but exhaustion holds him back.

Then he feels the comforting arm around him, almost willing him to relax. The soothing voice hits his ears like an antidote in itself to combat his urge to fight. His body begins to relax under Misty’s touch, her fingers running through his hair bringing a feeling of peace.

Doing his best to do as told, Kyle tries to slow his breathing down and eventually the coughing lessens, finally subsiding.

Squinting one eye open, he sees Misty’s eyes looking back at him. It takes effort to not drift asleep again, and a faint grin tweaks the corner of his mouth. Pale and weakened, his eyes fall shut again. But his hand moves, coming up to rest on Misty’s face, his fingers cradling her cheek. For a moment, his thumb runs along her jawline, then he’s quiet again. It’s not positive whether he’s drifted back to sleep or not.

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