

“Jamie!” Rocky returns Jamie’s hug with enthusiasm, spinning her around. “I know, I know, everyone’s bugging me about keeping in touch, even your mother. Well…complain no more, you got me back for a while.” His grin widens and he stays with Jamie, Herb and Mabel for several minutes, just reminiscing and catching up a little bit with the other guys, and Taylor. Once satisfied that they’ll talk more soon, they head back to the table.

“Mmm.” Con embraces Jamie, his face lighting up as he sees her. “Glad you could come down – it just wasn’t the same without you in this rowdy bunch.” He sits down after pulling out a chair for Jamie too.

“Whoa, Jamie, you got something to tell us?” Rocky is sitting across the table, and looks between her and Con, then gestures to her left hand.

Con quirks an eyebrow. “You mean she complained you didn’t keep in touch and she didn’t even let you all know that she’s getting married?” He fakes shock and glances down at Jamie. “I think I’m offended.”

“Married?!” Joel’s head perks up. “Who’s getting married?!”

Taylor points to Jamie. “She is, you dufus.”

Logan leans forward to see them. “No. Dude, congratulations!”

Jason interacts with the others, though is aware of Katie’s slight confusion about him, and manages to steer his emotions in her direction so she can read him while he’s talking.

When Wyatt called me back in the truck it was just about those goons and them talking. I guess when he said for sure that Carson wasn’t involved, it threw me. Now back to Axel though, I don’t know…I can’t read him…maybe that’s what bothers me. It’s like he’s reading me, but I can’t figure him out…puts me on edge I guess.

Jason’s fingers are busy fiddling with his straw and wrapper as he talks with others at the table, and silently with Katie, proving how quickly his mind and emotions are going, wound up from the evening.

Without warning, he turns to Katie, leans back and fires, blowing through his straw to shoot the little paper projectile directly at her head.

Kyle grins at Misty, half his dwindling energy just going towards keeping his eyes open. “If I would have listened to you, I wouldn’t have you next to me right now, now would I?”

Taylor giggles and looks at Misty. “He’s got a point.”

Kyle gives a raspy laugh. “Yay, I have someone who’s on my side.

“Now, I didn’t say that.” Taylor slides a grin to Misty, but keeps looking at Kyle. “The greatest downfall of men is not listening to us women.”

“Maybe the downfall of women is that they talk too much.”

Taylor can’t hold in her laugh, and she looks at Misty. “He hasn’t lost his sense of humor, that’s for sure. How do you put up with him?”

Carson comes back with several pitchers of pop, Jason’s orange juice, and ready to take the orders for pizzas. Avoiding conversations, but able to relax just a little bit, Carson takes the order. Glancing down the table again, he sees Misty once more. This time it was obvious that she was leaning into Kyle. It didn’t take a genius to figure out this scene. They weren’t sitting like casual friends would. The level of seriousness couldn’t be determined, but there was no doubt…Kyle and Misty were dating. And deep down, a final flame is blown out, leaving only a dying ember. Hope was all but a lingering smoke from the fire that had burned so brightly.

Carson quickly finishes up the order and heads back to the kitchen. It was odd…it felt like forever since he might have been sitting in that group. Not with JetStream, but with the TJY group. For a while, he hadn’t cared…but now every day his loneliness increased…his desire to be back at TJY only worsened. But it would never be. He’d made too many mistakes. At least everyone, even Jason now, were treating him like anyone else…they were being nice enough.

Even seeing Misty tonight hadn’t been quite as hard…on the surface at least. Carson pauses his work, leaning on the kitchen counter and thinking. It seemed odd to him…Misty and Kyle…but if that’s what made her happy…

Carson knew it shouldn’t bother him, but it did just a little. He couldn’t deny that. It was easier seeing her, but just as hard dealing with his emotions. Would he ever be able to just walk up and say hi without the tension?

Hearing Jess, Carson is quick to exit to the front, a smile forced to his face. “Drowning in a milkshake eh? I can help you out there.” He cocks his head. “If that’s what you really want. Otherwise I can just help you out in the company department.” He gives Jess a quick wink. “Give me a minute and I’ll whip something up for you.”

Axel sips on his drink and leans back in his chair, studying the conversations around him, while interacting some. A slight grin played at the corner of his mouth, showing that he was at ease, enjoying this group.

Glancing toward the counter once, he catches sight of a young woman who had come in. On first glance, one might look away again, but Axel’s eyes remained, zeroing in on the condition of her face…the healing wounds…the way she sat…the way she held herself. This woman had been through a lot.

Seeing that she was looking back at him, a smile spreads on Axel’s lips and he purposely catches her eye.

“Axel!” Logan slaps his shoulder. “Pay attention. What was that fella’s name up in Washington?”

Axel is forced to jerk back to the conversation at the table. “Uh…Thomas.”

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