

As Katie jerks her head up and looks towards where Jason was as she feels his emotional jump. Scanning fast Katie finds Jason and can’t help but giggle as she sees Axel next to him. She hadn’t been around the new comers long as of yet, but one thing she new already was Axel was quiet and got around fast. Once Axel leaves Jason’s side Katie can’t help but let her laughter come through a little more. If he takes you down from sneaking up like that, I am going to go down with you with those emotional jumps sheeesh. What so interesting? Do you sense something about him? Oh and I don’t mind if we have some tag along either.

Answering her phone Jamie’s ears perk up hearing Con’s voice. It was always nice to hear from him no matter the time.

“You think I would really miss a chance to see you or go to my parent’s? I’ll meet you there Babe.”

Hanging up Jamie stands turning the TV off. She wasn’t doing anything tonight anyways. Getting out of the house would be fun, spending time with Con even better, and spending time with her friends was the best, how could Jamie turn it down.

Katie stays in the car fairly quiet herself. She wasn’t sure what to say so she just let the silence linger. For some reason it seems odd to have a quiet one in a bunch like that. Listing to Jason and Axel talk Katie finally turns around in her seat and looks to Axel studding him herself. Her mouth opens as if she was about to say something but than closes as Jason pull out his phone. Turning back around Katie stairs out the window for a moment trying to read Jason emotions at the phone conversation went on to see if she could pick up what was going on. Only getting bits and peaces not enough to understand anything Katie waits till Jason is off the phone. What was that about? What’s wrong J?

As Rocky’s voice rings through the restront Mable pops out from the back room and big smile on her face.

“George, well I’ll be. I thought you were long gone and I hadn’t herd hide or hair from you in forever. You don’t even know how to write your mama a letter? Or call?”

Mable’s eyes sparkle as she speaks and give Rocky a hug. It had been a long time, to long.

Herb is the next to emerge from the back trying to keep the grin from his face walking near Rocky and Joel.

“So you guys finally came back, got the money to pay for that window you broke?”

Herb looks serous for a few moments longer before a smile finally breaks forth on his face and he offers his hand to Rocky and Joel.

“It’s good to see you guys again. Hope you guys will be staying around for a while, Jamie will be awfully upset if she new she missed you guys being here.”

As if on queue the bell on the small door rings again and a small shriek can be herd. A smile plastered across Jamie fast as she walks towards Rocky and throws her arms around him in a tight up.

“George Sanders, you don’t write, you don’t call, one would think you were trying to avoid me or something.”

Letting go of Rocky, Jamie smiles than turns to Joel and gives a little wave again.

“It’s good to see you again Joel.”

Jamie finishes her hellos, and greeting to the rest of the band and gets her interdiction to the new member, finishing off with a tight squeeze to Con and a loving kiss.

“Hey you!”

Katie sits next to Jason rolling her eyes as the argument starts. Leaning on the table a bit she smiles at Taylor and starts up a conversation about traveling, what it was like... And the conversation slowly slips into how Katie came here and her Aunt’s ranch.

Misty stays close to Kyle. She might have come tonight but that didn’t mean she felt comfortable, but it’s not as if she felt uncomfortable either. It was a strange mixed feeling that she wasn’t sure about.

Seeing Carson coming towards them Misty tenses a little. She hadn’t been to Mom and Pop’s in so long she didn’t know he was taking orders now. But seeing his pen and pad and hearing his greeting she realizes and relaxes a bit.

As Carson turns to walk away Misty’s eyes catching him for a moment. Than realizing she was staring they break away. Giving a small smile she nods at Kyle and signs without works. I am ok. Because she new he would be worried about Carson she wanted to ease that fear.

Coming back to the conversation at the table Misty smiles at Taylor’s comment and than leans into Kyle a little.

“He should be home sleeping right now, but you know men, they never listen to us.”

Misty giggles as her eyes twinkle at Kyle.

Katie watches Carson for a moment; a bit surprised herself over his concern enough with Jason to offer orange juice. I wouldn’t look so good either if I went through all he did. Maybe he really is changing.

As the commotion continues the small bell to the door rings goes un-noticed. As Jess enters she glances to the table to a moment a little on edge but knows quite a few faces from TJY and relaxes. Making her way to the counter she gives a nod to Mable. Than gives a call to Carson.

“Hey, I was wondering if I could get another milkshake from you? I felt a bit of nervousness and worry coming on. I though maybe I could drown them in something again.”

The truth be told Jess really wasn’t hungry and she didn’t want a milkshakes but she didn’t want to sit at TJY anymore either. Being there she had time to think. Time to think about stuff she really didn’t want to. This was really the only other place she had to go at the moment and Carson was really the only friend she had. Being here she felt safe. They hadn’t caught Peter yet and Jess new he was a dead man if he stepped foot into this place.

Turning her head to the noisy bunch once again Jess scans the faces trying to remember who everyone was, and wondering about the new people. They looked like they were having a blast. As Jess eyes roam they land on the red head and for a moment Jess doesn’t look away her eyes mapping his face.

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