
Dawn breaks with quesions

For a moment, Carson reverts the conversation back to Jess, having heard something he didn't like. "First off...no one deserves a bloke like Peter so you can forget that excuse. Maybe that's all you knew, but that doesn't mean you didn't deserve better."

He throws Jess a stern glance for emphasis, but lets that subject drop for now.

Quiet for several minutes, Carson knows he wants to answer Jess' question, but wasn't sure how. Finally he just shrugs. "I don't know if she's happy or not. But I hope she is. Like you deserve someone better than Peter, Misty deserves someone better than me...and it looks like she's found someone. So... yeah, I hope she's happy."

Walking up to the TJY building, Carson stops at the door. "I guess this is where we part." He looks at Jess for a moment, knowing that she was still hurting, but at least on the road to recovery. "Goodnight, Jess... I'll be seeing ya."

Jason listens to the silence, Katie's words running through his mind. He gives a little grin. After all we've been through, I don't think anything could creep me out.

Thinking of himself, he's just not sure. I don't know...I just don't know... I think Rick's right... that whatever it is inside me found the one thing that's ever caused terror, so it just latches on to that whenever I get too worked up, or my emotions just reach their limit. As far as working through it all...I don't know that either...I just wish I could relive it all once and get it over with.

Receiving more, he almost rolls his eyes, though isn't seen in the darkness. You have absolutely nothing to thank me for. I owe you my life and I'd give it in a heartbeat if I had to...

He stops, a wry humor forming. And if I didn't know that me being gone would kill you anyway.

Jason's hand moves down to ruffle Katie's hair. Shut down that crazy mind. You're keeping this dead man awake.

The sun can never be stopped from completing its rounds, not the earth from its rotation. No matter the will to hold onto the night, it must pass, and a new day must be born.

Carson leans over and laces up his tennies. He’d had just enough money leftover from his last paycheck to buy a new pair, and he was determined to use them as he’d intended. He’d even checked in with Herb before spending the money…he didn’t need to, but he’d wanted to, just to be in the habit of having someone know what he was doing with his money. Until these daily cravings stopped, he wasn’t going to trust himself.

Standing up, he zips up his hoodie and heads out in his sweats, slapping on his baseball cap as he goes.

The morning is chilly, and he can almost see his breath. The cold air is harsh on his lungs and as he sprints into a jog, he’s reminded just how out of shape he really is.

He doesn’t have a destination in mind. The sun isn’t even up yet, and the atmosphere has a strange grayness to it…almost a fog but not quite.

Carson’s feet pound the sidewalk as he takes one turn and then another. His mind wanders as he runs. It travels where it will, from memories, the past, regrets to frustrations and fears.

Sweat breaks out on his forehead and slides down the sides of his face. His eyes no longer see where he’s heading, but only the pictures in his mind.

After jogging for a while, Carson’s legs and lungs finally give out on him. He’d pushed too hard for the first time out. Stopping, he bends over to brace his hands on his knees, thrown into a coughing fit. If he hadn’t known it before, he knew it good and well now that all of his smoking had done him no good.

Coughing hard, he finally spits and takes several deep breaths, trying to regain control. Able to straighten, he sets his hands on his hips, breathing heavily.

Eventually, he looks around to get his bearings, and he can’t help his surprise. How had he ended up here? Apparently old habits had taken over, and while his mind had been wandering, his feet had found a familiar route.

For a moment, Carson just looks at Misty’s place. There was a part of him that wanted to run up to the window and bang on it like he used to, just to get a rise out of her. He remembered the mornings that she’d run with him, and how for a short time, he had felt less alone. The sun had shined in his life, whether he’d seen it or not.

Suddenly the gray is back upon him, followed up by the bitter taste of reality. Misty’s car was there, but he could not see her.

Finally having caught his breath, Carson turns, sprinting back into a slow jog, back the way he’d come. If he didn’t hustle now, he’d be late for work.

"Hey, Laura."

Laura turns from filling her car with gas to see that Scott has pulled up to the pump behind her. "Mornin' Scott. Surprised to see you up this early after you worked so late last night."

Scott laughs as he opens the tank on his car. "Yeah, well, when Reese wants a project done, you don't waste time."

Laura grins. "I'd have to agree."

"Talk to Katie yet this morning? I was hoping everyone had a good time last night."

Laura shakes her head. "Talked to Con last night. He said Katie and Jason left the party early - was kinda worried, but he drove past Jason's place later and saw his truck there. Actually, I thought you'd know about that...Katie didn't come home last night that I know of, so I assumed she was with you or something."

Scott lifts his eyebrows, a bit of concern creeping up on him. "No..." He starts to pump gas, his mind wandering. "Maybe I'll...or... if she's late to work, I'll call her and see what's up - make sure everything is okay."

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