

Jason's eyes slowly open as the scent of breakfast hits his nostrils. Moving a little, he feels every muscle in his body. It seemed not one wasn't sore. It always happened after episodes like last night's.

Stretching and yawning, he turns over on his back, and then suddenly wonders why on earth he's smelling breakfast. It takes him a minute to remember that he hadn't been alone last night.

Sitting up a little groggily, Jason rubs his eyes and blinks, looking towards the kitchen. Getting himself up, he limps nearer the sound of sizzling and humming. His stomach growls. After getting sick last night, he was now running on empty.

Leaning in the doorway, he just watches Katie for several minutes, a small grin working on the corner of his mouth. He keeps his thoughts to himself.

Finally, Jason enters, running a hand through his unruly hair, and offering Katie a sleepy smile. "Hero, will you ever stop being so nice?"

Trooper comes trotting into the kitchen, his tail wagging happily from being let out early, then having someone to keep him company more than usual.

Jason looks down at him and shakes his head. "Don't get used to it."

Trooper licks his chops, then goes to the stove where Katie is, sitting down quietly and just staring at her, starting to drool.

Jason rolls his eyes. "If you're trying to attract her, Bud, that definitely won't work." He moves forward and gives Katie's shoulder a pat before sitting down at the table. Looking at the clock, he yawns again. It was later than he would have liked...he had to get Katie home then to work. "Hope I didn't keep you up too much last night."

Carson finishes changing his clothes and takes one last look in the mirror to make sure he was halfway presentable after cleaning up and shaving. How he could live here and still be late for work was beyond him, but it wasn't the first time.

Rolling his eyes at himself, he hurries to go help Herb get things started for the day.

It isn't much longer when he hears the bell on the door and leans back just far enough to see out the kitchen. A small smile surfaces. "Stick around here long enough and you'll be addicted," he calls out, teasing Jess. "Milkshake or coffee?"

"Mmm...." Rocky cradles a fresh cup of coffee in his hand and tries to wake up as he and the others sit around the table in the hotel dining room. "Anybody seen Axel this morning?"

Max shakes his head. "I found a note in the bathroom. Said he walked to Mom and Pop's."

"Walked?" Logan rolls his eyes. "It's clear across town. It'd take him an hour."

Max can't help but agree. "Who in their right mind...all for a cup of coffee? They got good coffee here."

Taylor smirks. "Maybe he just wanted fresh air."

"Yeah, like the time he went for a five hour stroll in LA?" Rocky asks.

Taylor giggles. "We were so worked up, and he was so...not. He said it was good exercise."

Logan shakes his head. "They make taxis for getting around. I wonder if Axel ever noticed that."

Nine o'clock. Axel slowly enters Mom and Pop's, looking up as the bell rings. Under his denim jacket and hoodie, he's a little warm after the brisk walk, but it had been cool enough this morning that he'd wanted the extra layer.

Heading to the counter, his eyes scan the room, taking in the details. A few people were here this morning...though probably most of the regulars had already come and gone.

Reaching a stool, he slides up on one to sit down, and gives a sidelong glance to Jess only a few seats away. He gives a smile and wave to Mabel. "Long time no see. I hope you got coffee brewing this morning."

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