
Uncle Landon

Bret chuckles again and runs his hand down Charlotte's face. "You know more than you think you do. Besides... it can't be that hard right? I mean... we're gonna be a family... a real family."

Maria had never wanted children with him, making Charlotte's enthusiasm all the more special.

He smiles before kissing her forehead. "I don't want to let you go to work but... since I'm stuck in here.... I better." He gives her hand a squeeze. "We're gonna be fine... this is a brand new adventure... and you know we like adventures." He winks at her. "Just take care of yourself and if you need anything, call..." His voice trails off lamely before laughing again. "Con?"

A day has rarely felt longer. A night has rarely been filled with such unrest. For some, it is the heatwave. For some, it's worries for their friends. For some, it's new worries of what will happen next and how they will be able to provide. For some, it's wondering if they took the right path. For some, it's the lingering doubts that they can accomplish what they set out to do.

The morning sun dawns dimly behind a veil of thin, gray clouds. The air is stale and thick as if waiting for something to happen. People all around move again, revived from the night, while others drag their feet. Everyone is on the same time frame, but not all are functioning at the same speed.

Jason trudges into his office and sinks down in his chair, closing his eyes. He'd had so little sleep last night, it was ridiculous. He'd thought that without a certain worry, he would sleep better. The only thing he could compare it to was moving from the city into the country. The atmosphere was just very different... enough to have an affect on one's sleep. He hadn't heard from Katie at all since yesterday morning. He was worried about her... but he'd been afraid to call. She was so upset with him... Then Jen had called him to say she was worried about Katie and that just made him feel worse. If he didn't see her today, he'd check on her. This wasn't supposed to be this traumatic... it should have been a smoother transition.

"Sit." Reese points to the chair in the interrogation room.

Alec rolls his eyes and sits as told, his hands cuffed in front of him. "Evaluation? Of what? My mind? You know they'll say I'm crazy."

"I don't care what she says," Reese retorts. "Either way, I trust her more than I trust you. So why don't you try to at least shape up your attitude once so you don't wind up getting your own hind end in jail?"

Alec slouches with a glare. He was so sick of this place. He had no where to go... no where to run... nothing to do... no freedom. He thinks back to his little episode with Ryan. He'd shown a moment of weakness there... he'd let down his guard as a result of his fear and confusion. But not again. Whether he would be kept here or go to prison, he would get himself out.

Reese steps out into the hall and nods to Hope. "He's all yours. I'm keeping the door unlocked and I'll be right out here, not to mention, we got you under cameras. So you're safe. If you need something, give a yell."

"That's awesome." Landon's smile was genuine as he leaned on his crutches, talking to Bret.

Bret nods, with a small smile. "Charlotte said it would change everything, but I think this changes even more." He gestures to himself. "I'm supposed to be able to be a father now? Provide? In a few months, I won't want Charlotte working, and I don't know about after the baby is born... But I can't even walk."

Landon's shoulders drop just a little. "I'm sorry... I keep thinking about if I'd done things differently, if I'd-"

"It's not your fault," Bret intervenes sternly. "It was Pat and we both know it. Your tire blew, but he didn't let me get around. He didn't care who he hurt."

Landon sighs. "Yeah, well... you'll pull through... you'll see."

"The doctor isn't so sure."

"Well then... then something will happen. C'mon, Bret... don't get yourself depressed, man. So you got a leg that won't work. That doesn't make you less of a man, husband or father for that matter. You'll find a way, I know you will. And with a firecracker like Charlotte around..." Landon grins. "It'll be okay."

Bret manages to return the grin. "Yeah, alright... I got eight months, right?"

"Exactly. Plenty of time to get back on your feet, save up money, fix up the extra room...." Landon's eyes twinkle with humor. "Tell you what. You can't get up and around enough come the next few months, you just call uncle Landon and I'll be there."

Bret studies his friend. They'd always been buddies, but it hadn't been all that close that they really shared their lives away from the track. But he could see Landon was being genuine now. "You really mean that."

"Of course I do." Landon nods. "For you or Charlotte? Anything."

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