

Giving a grin, Charlotte gives a side long glance at the wheelchair before looking back at Bret. Her grin growing even more as she was considering it.

"You really want to and I will, you just give me the word."

Charlotte would be all to happy to get Bret out of here for a few hours before she had to go back to work. She missed seeing her husband smile and she just missed him in general. Any time away from here would be nice.

Sinking back down on her bed it was good to hear Scott's voice. He'd always been a good friend, and she missed him at work.

Hearing Scott's question Katie hated to lie to her friend and she did have another reason for calling but she felt bad for maybe digging at Scott's own scars.

"Well...I think...I...I am sorry if this brings up bad memories but I...I wanted to asked you after the Agency took you...how did you become ok? Like make the memories go away, and not be scaired anymore?"

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